Ciba - Do you think a Miracle can happen


Registered Users (C)
RD 02/01
ND 03/01
EAD 05/01
AP 05/01
FP 07/01

Wating for approval. I am very depressed and low because of all this job and GC apprval. Its like a educated person who has never thought bad about anybody and harmed anybody has been put in Jail.
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Take it easy. Had your RD be 1 week earlier your FP would have been done two months ago. But on the brighter side, 180 day rule still applies. My guess is that within two months you will get approval since the case assignement follows ND more closely than FP.
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Take it easy dude. I must tell you that there are a lot of people in worse shape than you are and although their plight doesn\'t help you , you still ought to be forgiving to yourself.

Atleast you have hope that something is just around the corner..remember times when it took 2 years for 140 only...
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You are not alone.
Many of us who go through this green card procedure will experience depression at one time or another. Yes, it is really depressing to be stuck for many years with an employer that is maybe not the greatest in the world, and to have to wait and wait for this very inefficient INS to process the papers. It is especially tough for dependants on H4 who are not allowed to work.
Especially in the present situation with companies laying off people, many of us will experience that just as we have the green card almost within reach, it is taken away and we have to go through the entire process again, or give up and leave this country.
It is tough.
The first thing to do if depression strikes is to stop reading this forum for a couple of weeks. Take a few days off and do something that you really would enjoy. Do not continue reading these desperate postings from people that are slowly going insane from the pressure of this terrible situation. It is not healthy. It will not make INS process your papers any faster, it will only make the wait more terrible.
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Take it easy man. It\'s been only a few months since you filed your I-485. There\'s people in this community that is still waiting for their approval since 2 years ago. So stay calm and focus your attention to your job. That\'s what I do. I\'ve been waiting for my I-485 approval since last year (RD/ND Sept. 2000). You will make matters worse if you put to much attention to it. Cheers.

Good luck to us all.

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Well said cobwebs. It even applies to me. I got so much addicted to this site i visit atleast 10 times a day.

But this is a great site that is for sure.

Helper007 relax. My ND is 03/14/2001 and still did not got the FP.

Helper007 do not come to this site for 1 week and focus on something else it is going to help U. This is just a suggestion do not take it serious.
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NTR, I canot resisit. The reason is that we laid off another few today. I am holding with 15% pay (good relations with my boss) and am working part time on EAD with another company for the time being...
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C\'Mon cheer up.
See some nice movie like American Sweetheart.
Close your eyes and imagin you have become Michael Douglas for 1 day.
Buy some nice CD/DVD
Buy yourself a nice jacket that you wanted to buy for last several years.
Buy those Raybans
Buy yourself a nice perfume like Eternity by Kelvin Kline
Flirt a little with that brainy blonde ( yeah they do exist, I have personal experience..)
Never ever let life get better of you, what may be the circumstances.
Hanging on for GC is nothing man, one day we have to meet our Death with strong mind and heart, leave our grandkids, kids, wife, property here on this 3rd planet.
GC or GC is such a small issue in front of that.
If you are good, corporations will need you , they will pay you anywhere in the world, may it be Australia, UK, Canada or Bejing, Banglore, Singapore, Jakarta.
Have a LION\'s heart, NEVER EVER get the life best out of you.

Life is always this so close yet so far.
In real life deals are always like that.
Embrace the reality.
Live like a true LION.
Even the SUN is going to STOP radiating all this energy one day, so should we all start crying for our next generations down the line, no... we can work harder to find the different sun and move on different planet. that is life.

BE BRAVe. Take a deep breath of fresh air and consider yourself lucky for having the brains which can fetch you $100K in any parts of the world.

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Well said (Vishnu Mahadev)...I totally agree with you....but at the same time it is really tough thinking/following that way!!!!

Helper, Take it easy man....

Good luck to all.
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Since your FP was done only two or three days ago, it would really
take a miracle for your case to get approved! But pray and cross
your fingers, sometime miracle may just happen. Good luck,
