Chugalug - Finally it Happened:


Registered Users (C)
Hi Guys,

I have been a silent observer of this site and have gone through the same trails and tribulations that all of you guys are going through right now. I just heard the magic words "YOURR CASE HAS BEEN APPROVED". It was ananticlimacticic moment. Rather than a lot oexcitementent you feel as if a heavy weight has been lifted off your shoulder and there is a deep sense of relief. Here are my particulars:

EB2, India
PD: 01/06/00
RD: 04/06/01
ND: 04/27/01
RFE: 04/03/02 Me: Employment Verification. Wife: (Complicated RFE). She had come to the US on an H4 and then changed it to and F1. Later when she went to India she came back on the H4 rather than the F1 making her F1 invalid. So she was working illegally in her school. Thank god for the 245 (i) law that took care of that.
AD: 06/01/02

Good luck to all of you guys out there. AND YES THERE IS A GOD.
My Old Employer Harassing me

Hi Friends,

I am at I-485 final stages. I completed 180 days, so i changed my employer. Now I am with new employer. But my old employer sending mails and asking for the money, he is saying because of me he lossed lot of money, and my old client not payed the money because of quitting the project, so he wants me to pay those losses. And i resigned without informing to them, like suddently. Now they are saying, you should inform to us atleast 2 weeks before. Is it true ?

I didn\'t signed any papers for my green card processing reagrding paying back amount and all. So it looks like i am in safe position. And you mentioned some thing regarding "enrol for prepaid legal services ", Where and how we can do that. Please give detail message either phone number or website so that i will do that.

And i have another question. When we left our employer, is it required to maintain another lawyer for our future correspondance ? Because right now my old lawyer is not showing favor. So i need to have another lawyer to communicate with INS ? For change of Employer, Change of address, etc... Or in future if i get any queries, we need any help from lawyer ?

Please give your advises or suggestions. thanks.
What is God looks like???

A pig head, elephant head with many hands?? My neighbor has few cats and dogs, wondering if one of them are your GOD? or your GOD is the officer who approved your case???

Btw, good luck in your approval :)
There should be a law against idiots.....

posting on this forum. I am sure all of you know who I am talking about.
First of all I did not post on this forum to solicit any comments. I just posted my approval so that fellow sufferers could get some moral support.
Secondly if you think dogs and cats are gods, you are obviously of a lower evolutionary form than they are (check Darwins theory).
Please don\'t post any more messages since I do not want to sink to your level.
All the others thanx for the congratulations and good luck. There is someone up there looking out for you.
Greaty-K every time I try to get into the rupnet site I get an application error.
Congrats Chugalug

Good luck!. And Nabim, I am not sure if I can say this in this forum, but I really think its not fair to insult someone who believes in something that you dont. You may be an athiest, that doesnt give you any right to insult those who trust in God. Same with those who believe in god, they have no right either to make fun of athiests.
tut tut "nabim" ..let\'s not belittle ourselves.....

I mean all the guys who make such remarks in this forum - gosh...what is up with u all..who cares if "God" is Allah,Jesus,or any Hindu God...who cares who is from which nation..why belittle others\',and make urself look foolish...what is up with some people on this forum..I am fairly new to this forum,and am surprised at "racism" existing between people from the same country/region,etc....
too bad man....too damn bad..I really feel sorry for such people man..they need some serious visits to the shrink...
Congratulations Chugalaug...go ahead njoy...
Your info...

has been entered in rupnet Easytracker.Pl. check your private msg for user Id and password.
Regarding the error,could you pl. tell me what browser were you using and from which link were yu trying to enter the info?

Religion, like poetry, is not a mere idea, it is expression. The self-expression of God is in the endless variety of creation; and our attitude toward the Infinite Being must also in its expression have a variety of individuality ceaseless and unending. Those sects which jealously build their boundaries with too rigid creeds excluding all spontaneous movement of the living spirit may hoard their theology but they kill religion.
Hi Gheewalabhai

Yes, we had to pay the $1,000 fee. She was illegal for about 7-8 months and then our EAD kicked in and she became legal again.
Hi Greaty-K


I was using Netscape since that is the one that I have at work. I don\'t know if it would have been different if I had used Internet Explorer.
There should be a law against iodiots....

posting on this forum. I am sure all of you know who I am talking about.
   First of all I did not post on this forum to solicit any comments. I just posted my approval so that fellow sufferers could
   get some moral support.
   Secondly if you think dogs and cats are gods, you are obviously of a lower evolutionary form than they are (check
   Darwins theory).
   Please don\'t post any more messages since I do not want to sink to your level.
   All the others thanx for the congratulations and good luck. There is someone up there looking out for you.
   Greaty-K every time I try to get into the rupnet site I get an application error.
congrats! What did you do when you applied 245 law? did you have to

pay 1000 dollars fine? I heard they make you pay a fine to correct
some illeagal status. Is that right? How long was she working without
correct legal permission?