chinese asylees


Registered Users (C)

I am just wondering if a Chinese asylee can visit Hong Kong and Macau without running into problem with the INS? Both islands have legal systems that are independent of that on the mainland. Any thoughts?
I don't know

I do not know who would know the answer to this question, Dangdang. It would seem reasonable to view HK as non-Chinese for asylum purposes.
You may want to ask your lawyer to contact INS headquarters for an advisory opinion.
well..i think u need to get a visa to go there with RTD
so u can try and apply it, if they give u the visa, then i think u can go, but i am not sure how US immigration feels about it
Originally posted by dangdang

I am just wondering if a Chinese asylee can visit Hong Kong and Macau without running into problem with the INS? Both islands have legal systems that are independent of that on the mainland. Any thoughts?


Don't you need to apply Hong Kong visa thru the Chinese Consulate? I don't know what problem you might encounter.

But you did raise a very interesting question.