children medical care in NY


New Member
I got the green card lottery this year!
I'm planning to move in July to New York with my family.
I have got two children (3 years and 1 year).
Which time after we will arive in New York children will have a right to free medical care with "permanent resident card" (green card)? (In some countries it is after 7 days or 6 months, in some US states after 5 years).
Dude, you so picked the wrong country if you're looking for free medical care. In fact, if you're looking for free anything, stay away. Here, you gotta "show me the money" for everything.

Having said that, if you're extremely poor in many states you can get SCHIP for your kids. If you are going to be that poor though, what's the point in immigrating? Unless it's a life/death issue for you.
I got the green card lottery this year!
I'm planning to move in July to New York with my family.
I have got two children (3 years and 1 year).
Which time after we will arive in New York children will have a right to free medical care with "permanent resident card" (green card)? (In some countries it is after 7 days or 6 months, in some US states after 5 years).!

Try Canada. You are off by a country.
Free health care - as someone said SCHIP for very poor people and rules vary by state, and 911 - which is basically emergency. The only alternative might be some religious church, but not too sure about that.
Even if they reform the health care system - it is not going to be free.
The US has by far the most expensive health care in the world, and provisions for free care are very limited. In some cities you will even get billed by the ambulance people if an ambulance picks you up. Profit is the primary purpose of the US health care system; the health care itself is just a side effect.

If you're looking for free or inexpensive health care, pick somewhere other than the US.