Chicago transfer approved and stamped


Registered Users (C)
We (wife, 3 children and myself) had our interview today. It lasted 45 minutes. No lawyer and no sweat. Immigration officer went through our application and requested to see originals of birth certificates , evidence of the last time we entered the country and paystubs. Our passports were stamped and we were given approval letters. We were finger printed (index finger only) and asked to sign below the finger print. We were told to expect the plastic card in 6 months time.

Reason for Transfer? No good reason. We were randomly chosen

RD: 08/09/2001
ND: 09/19/2001
1st FP: 11/24/01
1st RFE - 11/21/2002 - Birth Certificate
2nd RFE - January,2003 - Employment letter
Transfer Date- February, 2003
2nd Finger Print - June, 2003
Interview Letter -09/11/03
Interview Date- 10/09/03
Approval and passport stamping - 10/09/03

It is finally over. I will gladly answer any questions.


Did you and your wife and children receive separate interview letters? My wife didn't receive hers.

I will have interview this week.



Please reponse to me. My lawyer suggested us to bring our kids to interview, shall we? they are pretty young and all born in America. What is your suggestion?


the interview letter does say do NOT bring along small children. But I am guessing if you can handle them and the interview at the same time, it should not be a problem..
Everyone in my family received a separate letter and a different scheduled time but we were called in to see the immigration officer as a family. My application was reviewed first (principal applicant) and approved, then my wife's, then the children's (individually). Two of my children were asked to name the city the were born in and one was asked for our current phone number.
You definately need a separate letter for your wife.

Foli Can you help me...

Hi Foli, during the interview, did the officer go through your application in the computer, or hard copy? My problem is, both us recieved the interview letter but my spouse is scheduled an interview date 7 days ahead of me ( I'm the primary applicant). My lawyer sugguested me to go there by the first interview date. I am afraid that my application will not be there when I go.
What do you think? From your experience do you think it's possible?

Thank you for any input!
You need to be present for your wife's interview since you are the primary applicant. My wife's letter asked her to come with the primary applicant. I think that at your wife's interview date your application will be reviewed and approved and then hers. They cannot proceed with her application without approving yours first.
The hard copy of our application was reviewed. The officer did not look at his computer during the whole process.

Thank you for your reply Foli! It quite helps. I decide to go anyway with the accompany of our lawyer. He will be charging $200 for one hour but since it's the last step...