Chicago Local Transfer Interviews

As I said before, I received the interview letter for me and nothing for my hubby, even finger printing notice.
We tried to contact congressman office and came down to Chicago office to grab any help.
They are not helping us, even my attorney.
Their answer is only JUST WAIT.

Anybody know their decision on this situation ?
Would they approve only mine or wait until my hubby's cleared ?
(I'm the primary. )

RD 10/1/2001
TD 11/22/2002
FP 08/26/03 (ONLY ME)
Interview scheduled 11/13/03 (ONLY ME)
Hi Sueh, Did you ever go to the local office to check if your husband's file is in the local office?
Questions :

1) Do you need Notarized copies for all the documents, what I have read so far is that officer looks at the original and take the copies.

2) Document list shows original approved I-140 is required, but original I-140 was submitted at the time of applying for I-485. How did you handle this?

3) What about I-94's copies? do they need latest I-94 and copies of previous. I don't seem to have copies of all previous I -94's.

Thanks for your help...

Yes, we checked several times by writing and visiting since transfered. It's loooooong story.

First time it was right after transfered. Their answer was no.
We hoped the actual file was not transferred at that time yet.
Second time, it was in March right after EAD applied.
Their answer was still NO and ASK NEBRASKA. We thought it's big problem and called National INS center and Nebraska center.
They said Chicago office have ours. We went to Chicago office again. Chicago office changed thier mind( ? ) and said YES.
At the same time, we sent the letter to Chicago office and their reply....... Our files are at somewhere in Illinois. ( I don't remember the exact address. )
We were so confused. It was May or June 2003.
When I tried to go there to confirme that the addres shown in the letter is another local INS office or not, we received another letter. The letter said the previous letter was issued in error and would reply within 90 days agin. Two weeks later, we received a letter said our files for both is in Chicao and kind apology( ? ).
I contacted Kirk (Our congressmand) office a couple of day before.
He doen't look like to help us. He just said GO THERE AND ASK THEM ON MY INTERVIEW DATE. That's all he could do.

I asked my attorney to contact INS liasion office to set up fingerprinting and interview for my hubby. She said Yes, she would. However, I don't think she will.

Even though we paid thousands dollars ( $6700) to her, we
tried to contact the congress office and woke up at 5:00 am and waited in line in front of INS building.

Anybody, understand my disapointments ?

I can fully understand your situation, we are in the same boat. I don't know how many mistakes INS had made on our case, I doubt your hubby's file is in Chicago, otherwise they will send out two interview letter like others. Actually, I was foolish to trust my wife's case was in Chicago because we got the official transfer notice, but we found out it is not when we went to interview. Like the congressman or lawyer said we can only wait. My lawyer is too over confident on them.

Who is the primary, you or your husband? Hopefully, they can finish my secruity check soon and prove mine. I don't know when my wife 's case could be transferred again, INS officer said she will interview her again.

good luck.

Sueh, my suggestion is, call NSC again and ask them this single question - "if my case is in NSC or transferred to Chicago?" then ask your lawyer to confirm that for you (ask firmly). That' was what I did last year when I didn't know what happen to my case. ( We never received the transfer notice). Keep calling NSC and you will eventually find a kind officer who will give you some clue. Keep all your questions simple and straightforward.
I hope all our suffer with this green card thing will be ended soon!
Any updates from chicago local transferees?

I am waiting for my wife's interview to be scheduled.
RD: Jan 2002.
TD: Dec 2002 to chicago local office

The way it is going on right now, it seems she will be scheduled for interview on sometime in Dec 2003 or early Jan 2004.

we're going in tomoro

Originally posted by ssp_aks
Any updates from chicago local transferees?

I am waiting for my wife's interview to be scheduled.
RD: Jan 2002.
TD: Dec 2002 to chicago local office

The way it is going on right now, it seems she will be scheduled for interview on sometime in Dec 2003 or early Jan 2004.


interview is at 2:05 on 10/29. Will let you all know how it went. ssp_, your wife should be scheduled in the next 3-6 months, if not earlier. I think it is safe to say that they interview you within 6 mos of 2nd FP.
Spouse and self Approved!!!

All done except for the plastic cards, folks!!! It was a breeze... not much to add to previous accounts. I think all the previous interviewees have covered the documentation list pretty comprehensively. The only detail I can add is the waiting part. The AOS interviews are at 230 S dearborn, not 10 jackson. It is kind of like at the doctors office. You go and submit your appt letters on the 2nd flr and your name is called. you then go to the 23rd floor and wait in a smaller room until your assigned officer gets to you. from talking to some of the local atty's they are on time sometimes,but are running late most of the time. Our interview time was 2:05 pm, but we were called in at 3:45 pm just 15 mins before closing. The officers are all very professional. Its hard to descibe theri demeanour. They are just doing their job. Expect them to treat as you would treat say another guy from a different department in your company.. Some small talk,but mostly business... Their business is to get the facts straight on your case. When you see the crowd, you will understand why they take so long to get to your case.... They are way understaffed. IN spite of the sea of cases, they manage to keep a pleasant demanour and make the interview as painless as possible. Patience is the key in this I485 process. The more patient one is, the less stressful the process.

Good Luck everyone....
Congrats dfagen19!

Based on your experience, does it make sense to get there, say, an hour earlier so we will be called in around the scheduled time?

Thanks and congrats once again.
Congratulations to you!

I am so happy for you dfagen19! I Login on several times yesterday afternoon to see if there are any updates from you...Please continue to check this forum and share your experience with us!
By the way Dfagen19, were you called in as a whole family or one by one? Who got processed at first? You may still remember my situation ( my interview date is 7 days later than my spouse and I am the primary applicant...) Did the officer care who is the primary applicant at all? I didn't bother to get it fixed because I didn't want it to be more messed up instead. However I asked my lawyer to go with us. As the interview date approaching, I got more nervous...Did the officer see photoes you and your spouse took together? Although there are a lot of experience shared in this forum, I still want some details from you. Can you please if you have time? Thank you!
xwz and artemis

Thanks!! Artemis, I would say it would not hurt to go in early. From what I was told, an officer is perassigned to your case, so the actual interview time depends on his/her schedule and how long his/her cases are taking. If your interview is first thing in the morning, you will be on time. Delays build up as the day progresses.

XWZ, thanks for your good wishes. Yours is a tough one. the first answer is yes, the officer does care about who the primary applicant is. In our case, both our files were together and we were interviewed as a family. If your files are separated, I dont know if they have the time to go and get your file. Sorry, but I dont have a feel for what may happen.

We have a 3 year old son, so the marriage thing was not a problem at all. The only document we were asked with regards to the marriage was the marriage cert. All I can say is that if you meet their documentation list, you have nothing to worry about.
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dfagen19, first of all accept my heartiest congratulations on your approval... I have got some questions for you, please try to answer when you get a chance...

1) What documents did they ask in interview?

2) Do you need Notarized copies for all the documents, what I have read so far is that officer looks at the original and take the copies.

3) What about I-94's copies? do they need latest I-94 and copies of previous I-94's. I don't seem to have copies of all previous I -94's.

4) I have copies of medical done way back in Sep 2001,original submitted at the time of filing I-485.. Do we need to redo medicals?

5) Did your lawyer accompany you? and where did you park in chicago?

Thanks for your help...
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Interview experience

Originally posted by M2001
dfagen19, first of all accept my heartiest congratulations on your approval... I have got some questions for you, please try to answer when you get a chance...

Thank you.

1) What documents did they ask in interview?

for myself:

3 years W2's
tax returns
emp letter
2 immig pics

Marriage cert
2 immigration photos
BTW, thanks to Oxygenman for the pictures tip. We got pics just before the interview across the street from Dearborn

2) Do you need Notarized copies for all the documents, what I have read so far is that officer looks at the original and take the copies.

just simple copies will do. just have all the originals too.

3) What about I-94's copies? do they need latest I-94 and copies of previous I-94's. I don't seem to have copies of all previous I -94's.

They just collect your last I94(the original, so you will return home with no I94). No previous I94's required

4) I have copies of medical done way back in Sep 2001,original submitted at the time of filing I-485.. Do we need to redo medicals?

No medicals required or asked for.

5) Did your lawyer accompany you? and where did you park in chicago?

No lawyer. There are plenty of options for parking. I always park on Federal between van Buren and Jackson. This is a few feet from 230 Dearborn.

Thanks for your help...
Congratulation, dfagen19.
I'm so happy on your good news.

dfagen19 or anybody, Could you comment on our situation ?
When I heard they asked marriage cert on interview, I'm worry about it.
When we got RFE from NSC, they asked why wedding date on form G325 and the date on our family register records are different and send marriage certificate issued by authorized govenment.
We explained our country's marriage reporting system and they transfered our case.
I heard they don't care about individual situation and they just need the required document for their file. But, our country doesn't have a separate marriage certificate. They just issue Family register form showing my name and his name.
I heard something like affidavit of marriage. Is it helpful to get it ?
If so, where can I get a sample letter ?

When RFE, I was preganant. Now, we have 11 month son.
Am I worry too much ?

Congrats to dfagen19!

I am still waiting to get my interview notice.

RD: 11/27/01
ND: 12/04/01
TD: 04/23/03
2ndFP: 08/16/03

Get atty or expert opinion..

Originally posted by sueh
Congratulation, dfagen19.
I'm so happy on your good news.

dfagen19 or anybody, Could you comment on our situation ?
When I heard they asked marriage cert on interview, I'm worry about it.
When we got RFE from NSC, they asked why wedding date on form G325 and the date on our family register records are different and send marriage certificate issued by authorized govenment.
We explained our country's marriage reporting system and they transfered our case.
I heard they don't care about individual situation and they just need the required document for their file. But, our country doesn't have a separate marriage certificate. They just issue Family register form showing my name and his name.
I heard something like affidavit of marriage. Is it helpful to get it ?
If so, where can I get a sample letter ?

When RFE, I was preganant. Now, we have 11 month son.
Am I worry too much ?

Thanks... The officer we got was very reasonable and was able to look at the big picture, not just the details.... We had our marriage cert, so it was not an issue. I think he would have accepted another official form if we dint have any. I would say that you should get your affidavits just in case. Your son will definitely help your case. But I think everything ultimately depends on who your officer is. If you have time, get a document from your country or consulate verifying that this is the only cert. available. This will avoid all "problems". This is not a problem, they will ask you to go home and mail the missing docs. But, we all want it to end at the interview, right?
When your interview is done, please post your experience.
Hope everything is gowing well.
passport stamped

Wife's interview was smooth, but it's delayed for about 1.5 hours. Because there was a fire on a certain floor.

The officer was nice. She stamped the passport and gave us the approval letter.

We believed the reason for case transferring was 2 fingerprints rejects.

My wife's most recent fingerprints (more than 1 month ago) got cleared.

RD: Aug. 01
ND: Sept. 01
TD: Oct. 02
AD: Nov. 6, 03

Many thanks to this great board!