Chicago Local Interview - didn't get stamped


Registered Users (C)
Let's use this thread to track those who did the interview at Chicago local office recently but didn't get passport stamped.

My Spouse

RD: 08/2001
ND: 09/2001
TD: 11/2002
Interviewed at Chicago: 11/06/2003
Passport not stamped due to name check reason.

Right now I know Sueh and Wait-too-long are fall in this group too.
Perhaps mine is the longest wait

I had my Interview at Chicago CIS in the 2nd week of January 2003.

Receipt Date- June 2001 (Family based I-485)
FP- Jan. 2002
Interview- January 2003
2nd FP- April 2003

I am on my third EAD, 2nd AP.

I made an enquiry in June 2003 through the Senator's Office and was advised by CIS that my case is pending due to name check/ secondary security check.
Got you beat Wamu!!

Our interview was on December 18, 2002. ND date: Feb 1, 2001.

Also the interview was for my spouse and I was already a GC holder at that time, which kind of makes it even worse!
I searched internet to find any way and found many stories related with FBI clearance.
Maybe, you guys already knew those things.

1. No success in congressional or in person inquiry to CIS.
( I found one senator in CA has a channel in FBI, but it's not applied to Chicago transferree. )

2. Name or backfround check has 15 month validity.
So, I guess Chicago office may order namecheck when they
send fingerprint notice to us.

3. Now, CIS need an affirmative reply from FBI. Before Sep 11,
they considered no record when no reply for three months.

4. When the name hit FBI record, it can take upto 120 days.
Now, FBI has much baglogs. But, I believe timeline is
three to four months after interview. One year is too

3. A few people had won in law suit with CIS using WRIT OF

Also, I found a few people had contacted FBI using Freedom of Information Act. One person had got a letter that FBI never received a request from CIS or INS and another person found that FBI replied to Service center, not to local office.

Maybe, we may get any piece of information from FBI.
I just can't sit back. Any body has ever contacted FBI with any manner or more information ?

I am a question for you:

Do you know if naming check will send to FBI or other agency? Because on our interview, the INS officer said this is nothing to do with Fingerprinter, this will be sent to Washing Dc to do to the clearance. Does INS still send whatever to FBI agency?


Waiting too long,

As I know as a result of search for three days, a name check is a separte procedure in sub department under FBI. It's processed based on Form G-325( Biographical information). So, the officer can say it is not related with fingerprinting.

One thing I'm sure is that CIS should receive a name check result within at most 3 to 4 months after ordeing a name check.

I know some unlucky people have waited almost one year after interview. I guess something wrong on CIS or FBI. Also, I found the bad stories as I said yesterday.

Name check is being performed on other cases like citizenship as well as AOS. I read some citizenship applicants stories. They also are suffering due to a name check. Some cases in Nebraska have same experience. Maybe other service centers, too. Now, CIS faces a lots of complaints related due to name check. They are preparing computer system for a name check.
It may help in future. But, it's too late for us.

Let me tell one story. One man contacted FBI after interview and found FBI never performed a name check under his name.
Congressman contacted CIS and CIS faxed his biographical information to FBI. He can get approval after that.

The thing I'm interested in is GC FOR SPOUSE got fingerprinting notice in 11 months after interview. I read in FBI website the following. When a name hit their list, a fingerprinting may help to verify. I guess when CIS had no reply for long time, they may REORDER a name check with fingerprinting.

I read lots of websites like AILA( American Immigration Lawyers
Association), FBI, other AOS cases in VSC, TSC, NSC and N-400 cases.
I think FBI website is helpful in understanding procedures of name check and many memorandum in AILA or other immigration lawyers home pages is helpful in understanding why some can't get approval on interview.

Also, I just sent the letter to FOIPA section in FBI. I don't know whether it works or not. Maybe not. However, I just believe I'm in only 2-3% unlucky category and I have to do something.

It's too late for us.
Sueh, thank you for sharing so many useful information with us. Actually days ago aai read about the porcess of name check too. According to the process, only less than 5% would require a longer than 1 month time to clear their name. That's because for some reason there are records shown in FBI system...I do agree with Sueh that 99% of names should be cleared within 4 months.

By the way, do you have any idea that when the name check shoudl begin? (i.e., when the 2nd finger print is done, or when the officer start to touch your case?)

Is it sueful to call two FBI phone numbers (which can be found somewhere on this forum)?

Something wrong with my computer and I was always kicked out when I tried to post messages. So be not surprised if I didn't show up for quite some time.
I tried to reah FBI by calling the phone number found around website. The department handles only fingerprinting. They can't answer regarding a name check.
I guess it's not allowable to contact the name check source by a private party.

The thing I found is someone had contacted FBI using Freedom of Information Act. FOIA means anybody can access their own personal record on FBI. I think FOIA is applied to any government because CIS has the same proceudre. ( CIS has a separate form like G-something)
FOIA department in FBI handles a request by a private party like us. ) The person I found sent the letter requesting the date name check was performed and FBI retruned they never performed a name check under his name. Then he sued CIS using Writ of Mandamus. (WOM enforce the government to do something within reasonable time...... something like that )

The another thing I found is FBI would be exempt under FOIA form April 2004 due to national security reason. It's understandable after Sep 11, but, it has some problem on human rights. If a record on FBI is wrong, no opportunity to access and correct it....

I just got a reply from FBI. NO RECORDS under my name.
It took only 3 weeks.

Now, I believe CIS might misplace my name check clearance.

I just sent the letter to Congressman and Senator with FBI letter.
I hope it work.
Procedure for applying for The FBI Report

Hi Sueh,

Would you please post the stepwise procedure of applying for the FBI Report (Name Check Status) under Freedom of Information Act.

I am waiting since January 2003 when I had my interview at Chicago. I guess if FBI gives the report as they have given to you, I will contact the senator who was advised by the CIS that thet are waiting for FBI report.

FBI name check

David M Hardy, Chief
FOIPA Section
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Department of Justice
935 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.
Washington D.C. 20535-0001

You need to send a request letter with your person info.
Form G-325 is helpful.
( Name, SSN, A#, Date of birth, Address, Father and mother info,
marriage and spouse, past five and current address, employment and schools, address in no.....)

Also, I inserted penalty of perjury signature. I'm not sure it is required or not.... If you need the exact phrase please let me know. I'll post when I'm not busy.

I have read so many posts in other websites. So many frustrated stories related with a name check. I'm not sure if congressional units may straigten up my case. However, I'll try. I'll do something.

Thanks for all of your good information about clearance name check. I have a question to ask you.

I just found out yesterday that my Name check has been finished on Aug 2003, and sent back to INS. BUt when I had my interview, INS officer still wants me printer one of my fingers and said "she will send my finger print to Washington DC to do the clearance check", my question is beside name check, what else do they mean "clearance check"? It seems INS chicago is not getting the information they need.

THanks f or your help.

Waiting too long, how did you find your name check was returned to CIS in August ?

I heard many sotries... what adjudication interviewer said, what congressman said, what Chicago officer said.....

Someone mentioned FBI name check, CIA name check or background check..... Also, one attorney said the validity of name check is 15 month, the same as fingerprinting. Another said only 35 days... VARIOUS STORIES...

Now, I believe that there are three checks ( other than IBIS ) :

Fingerprinting with FBI, a name check with FBI, another name check with CIA.

FP looks for arrests and convictions
FBI name check looks for whether the person is or has veen under the investigation.
CIA name check looks for adverse information.

Usually, no problem on FP. Most delayed cases are due to FBI name check and some delayed case due to CIA check.

When it comes to my case, I asked how long it wouldl take and the officer said it depends on FBI.

Also, I found someone contacted Chicago CIS office using FOIPA section ( Form G-639). He got 80 pages response from Chicago.
It included everything related with him. It showed the date name checks requested and responded....

I'm thinking about sending G-639 to Chicago office.

Waiting too long, if all 10 fingers were not printed at interview, that's not for fingerprinting check... As I know, everybody was
fingerprinted on the card attached their photos, but only two( thums ? Isn't it ? )

I have read one thing. Sometimes fingerprinting may be helpful in clearing a name check when a name HIT FBI records.
What do you think ? Maybe, the officer want to send your fingerprinting and help clear your name check.

Waiting too long and everybody in this forum, let's do something...
Waiting too long, how did you find your name check was returned to CIS in August ?

I heard many sotries... what adjudication interviewer said, what congressman said, what Chicago officer said.....

Someone mentioned FBI name check, CIA name check or background check..... Also, one attorney said the validity of name check is 15 month, the same as fingerprinting. Another said only 35 days... VARIOUS STORIES...

Now, I believe that there are three checks ( other than IBIS ) :

Fingerprinting with FBI, a name check with FBI, another name check with CIA.

FP looks for arrests and convictions
FBI name check looks for whether the person is or has veen under the investigation.
CIA name check looks for adverse information.

Usually, no problem on FP. Most delayed cases are due to FBI name check and some delayed case due to CIA check.

When it comes to my case, I asked how long it wouldl take and the officer said it depends on FBI.

Also, I found someone contacted Chicago CIS office using FOIPA section ( Form G-639). He got 80 pages response from Chicago.
It included everything related with him. It showed the date name checks requested and responded....

I'm thinking about sending G-639 to Chicago office.

Waiting too long, if all 10 fingers were not printed at interview, that's not for fingerprinting check... As I know, everybody was
fingerprinted on the card attached their photos, but only two( thums ? Isn't it ? )

I have read one thing. Sometimes fingerprinting may be helpful in clearing a name check when a name HIT FBI records.
What do you think ? Maybe, the officer want to send your fingerprinting and help clear your name check.

Waiting too long and everybody in this forum, let's do something...
Dragon19 - No, I haven't got my card or welcome letter yet. It shouldn't be so quick though. Wait till the new year to come...

Sueh, thank you for sharing all information with us. I am thinking of doing the same thing (writing to FBI and congressman, stuff like that ) when the new year comes. Just relax and have a good holiday first.

By the way, for some reason it's very difficult to reply any messages in the day time ( I was always kicked out when I try to post a reply), which is why I seldom show up these days. Sorry about that. I will definitely hang around here.

Happy holidays and good luck for all of us in new year!
Any update

Hi Sueh, Gcforspouse and everybody waiting after Interview,

Do you guys have any update on your cases ? I just got an update from Congressman Dennis Hastert's Office that my case is still pending due to the pending FBI Security Clearance. I am totally dejected after about one year of waiting since Interview.

Please keep posting your situation and keep this thread going. Thanks & good luck to all.