Checked AVM, same old same old


Registered Users (C)
Hi Guys,

It seems that INS is starting to process some cases
around my ND (06/28).

I just checked the AVM. Same message:

"FP received on 10/13 ... pending review".

Oh well, Need to wait some more.

Henry, what does the AVM say for your case.
It seems that the guys in Phoenix are getting
a lot of approvals recently and well ahead of the pack
as well.
This is getting annoying

I did my FP nearly 2 months ago
and filed I485 7 months ago and
still no approval.

Hope to get it before I leave CA.
Me too getting the same message...

..Pending review.

Guys - let\'s not raise our expectations - it can be very tortutorus - even if more Approvals for June ND start coming, sometimes it takes long for some of the guys - and RFE would be killing.
Bhagwan, your right

I\'m taking a self imposed holiday from this board.
I\'ll be back start of next week.

See you then

deep, That\'s what I think too. They just replaced old msg with this for FP\'s collected after 11/16

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I just checked and got same old message received your fp on so and so date and pending review
Guys, I don\'t think the message will change if...

you already are part of the "FP Collected...pending review" crowd. This message possibly will appear for those whose FP\'s were received by INS in the very recent past and for future FP doers.
AVM message always the same

I wonder for applicant\'s from LA the message is always: 975 999 days
even fp was done on 10/17/01
No Title

think they are experimenting/testing with new FP system that they cretaed sometime last week of sept
I am from LA area, my msg says "FP Collected ... pending review", a question for you...

What was the date on your FP notice. Not the Scheduled date but the generated date. INS implemented a new FP scheduling system on 9/28/01. If your FP notice was generated before then your message seems to say the same old "975 to 999 days" message regardless of when you actually did your FP. Folks whose FP\'s were generated by the new system seem to have the "FP collected ... pending review" message and very recent FP cases have the new FP message people are talking about. This is what I have observed from all the data I have gathered in the last month or two.
Guys, your comments please!

I am wondering if no news is a good news when it comes to FP, according to Liu, he did his FP on 11/3 at ASC-Oakland, FBI sent back to INS on 11/4, AVM was updated on 11/16. Received the FP re-do on 11/24.

I did my FP on 10/09 and no FP redo YET (cross my fingers).

To make things worse, I received second FP on 11/02 and it\'s scheduled for 11/30, the AVM message says "FP was collected on 10/12 and pending for review".

I DO NOT even know what to do now, my "lawyer" says you need to show up at the local INS office and let them decide (DOES NOT MAKE ANY SENSE), funny thing is that, I just found on the same FP Notice a statement which reads:

Guys, What do you THINK !!!!