changing positions NOT EMPLOYER after gc


New Member

Here is my questions for you gurus: what are the possible ramifications if one changes jobs to a different field, i.e., unrelated to the original field for which GC was sponsored, BUT WITHIN THE SAME COMPANY let's say 3 months after obtaining GC?

So it's not a change of employer, but it is a change of position (different field) within the same employer who sponsored the GC.

Would INS treat this as a 'breach' of the sponsorship agreement of the GC that is supposed to be linked to a 'permanent' intent of continuation of employment with the sponsoring employer?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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My guess is that it would be almost impossible to detect and BCIS would have little interest in detecting it anyway.
Hi Stevphel

Thanks so much for your prompt response. My only concern is whether at the time of citizenship application, if one has to list the employment history, whether this might be brought up as an issue? I was just wondering whether anyone has heard of anything in regards to this unusual scenario?

As a Permanent Resident you have most of the rights of a United States Citizen but there are some exceptions.
To live permanently in the United States provided you do not commit any actions that would make you removable (deportable) under the immigration law (section 237, Immigration and Nationality Act).

To be employed in the United States at any legal work of your qualification and choosing.

To be protected by all of the laws of the United States, your state of residence and local jurisdictions.

To vote in local elections where United States Citizenship is not required. Click here for more details on voting.
Some jobs will be limited to United States Citizens because of security concerns.

You may not vote in elections limited to United States Citizens. Click here for more details on voting.