Changing jobs after 180 days..Do I have to inform INS?


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I have changed my job after 1 yr of EAD/485 with the previous employer. Current Employer says that I have to provide only AR11 to notify the change of work address. Can somebody please guide me, if that all is needed?

AR-11 (Change of address ) is a must. Informing about change of jobs is optional, though some attorneys suggest to inform. In my case, I did not inform and when I got RFE on employment letter, I sent the letter from new employer with a cover letter from attny explaining about change of job.
Originally posted by raj70vijay
AR-11 (Change of address ) is a must. Informing about change of jobs is optional, though some attorneys suggest to inform. In my case, I did not inform and when I got RFE on employment letter, I sent the letter from new employer with a cover letter from attny explaining about change of job.

Q1. Is it change of your residential address ?

Q2. My Lawyer advised me to wait till RFE, but I am seeing a lot of people pressing for sending THAT LETTER to inform INS. Even Jaxen suppoerted that. In the event one changes more than 2 jobs , what should he do ?
Q1. Is it change of your residential address ?


Q2. My Lawyer advised me to wait till RFE, but I am seeing a lot of people pressing for sending THAT LETTER to inform INS. Even Jaxen suppoerted that. In the event one changes more than 2 jobs , what should he do ?

Here is my take. We all know that an RFE means for sure you LOSE TIME. Therfore, from the RFE perspective, why would you want to wait to respond to an RFE. If one hopes that afterall there may not be an RFE, you are hoping for a miracle.

On the other hand, if you take a Pro approach of keeping BCIS up to-date and inform them of all change of jobs, then they may not send an RFE as you have already responded voluntarily and they may sense your intension of keeping your file up-to-date and mya approve your case without an RFE.
I see the chances of NOT getting an RFE when you DON'T inform BCIS as lot less than getting an approval without RFE when you keep your file current.
I guess you weigh it yourself which one could be safe.

Just a thought for the day.
Q1. Is it change of your residential address ?


Q2. My Lawyer advised me to wait till RFE, but I am seeing a lot of people pressing for sending THAT LETTER to inform INS. Even Jaxen suppoerted that. In the event one changes more than 2 jobs , what should he do ?

.................HERE IS MY TAKE. We all know that an RFE means for sure you LOSE TIME. Therfore, from the RFE perspective, why would you want to wait to respond to an RFE. If one hopes that afterall there may not be an RFE, you are hoping for a miracle.

On the other hand, if you take a Pro approach of keeping BCIS up to-date and inform them of all change of jobs, then they may not send an RFE as you have already responded voluntarily and they may sense your intension of keeping your file up-to-date and mya approve your case without an RFE.
I see the chances of NOT getting an RFE when you DON'T inform BCIS as lot less than getting an approval without RFE when you keep your file current.
I guess you weigh it yourself which one could be safe.

Just a thought for the day.
What is the proof that BCIS was informed

What is the proof?

Do you send via FED-EX ? and save the tracking number ?
Do you send a certified mail ? etc etc.

Yes you can have a confirmation that it was received by the Mail Handling dept. but you can never that the contents of the mail were your "JOB Change" notification.

But in the case of RFE, the RFE comes with a COVER LETTER (I guess, though never actually saw one) which has to be returned with requested docs, this is then routed properly to your file.