changing job


Registered Users (C)
Hi Gurus,

This is a great web site. I am a regular visitor. Thanks a lot to the people maintaining this web site and to people contributing to these forums.

Coming to the point. My I-485 details below.

RD: 06/11/2002
ND: 06/12/2002
FP: July 2002 at Oakland
EAD: Aug 2002

I am still working at the same company which sponsered my GC. Recently we had a reorg and my boss left the company. I have a new boss now. My position is insecure now because of these changes. I have an oppurtunity at another company.

Can I leave this company and join a new company using my EAD without effecting my GC. I know if my company lays me off I can find a new job and continue my GC. But can I quit without compromising my GC. Any potential issues? Anybody who did this and got GC approval?

Thanks in advance for your help.

I don’t think you will have any problems by changing your job. That is legal to change your job. One thing I can see is INS may ask you about the new employer details and your current pay stub. I don’t see any difficulties in changing the JOB.
No problem. You can change your job. You need not be laid off to change jobs but your new employer should be able to give employment letter based on your original labor certificate approval in case you get a RFE. So if that is possible, you can change jobs.