changing first name and surname


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Is it possible to change both of first name and surname during the interview / before the oath? I know we can change first name for sure, not not sure about surname. Please advise.
Is it possible to change both of first name and surname during the interview / before the oath? I know we can change first name for sure, not not sure about surname. Please advise.

For those unfamiliar with what surname means; the term is synonymous to "Last Name" here is the US. I know it should be obvious but haven't seen that used in a while. I am surprised OP has a PR but still uses that term. :)

My belief is you could change both (either/or) although I will let the pros confirm this as well.
Yes it is possible.

But I heard that not all DO take request for name change. Some places they have administrative oath, and it is not possible to have a name change.

I think you need to have oath in a court, and there they will process the request.

Is it possible to change both of first name and surname during the interview / before the oath? I know we can change first name for sure, not not sure about surname. Please advise.
For those unfamiliar with what surname means; the term is synonymous to "Last Name" here is the US. I know it should be obvious but haven't seen that used in a while. I am surprised OP has a PR but still uses that term. :)
In the passport book and passport card surname and given name terms are used and not last name and first name, respectively. And these are two main identification and citizenship* documents.

* Except in the state of Texas :p

My belief is you could change both (either/or) although I will let the pros confirm this as well.
Yes, it is correct. I changed my both surname and given name. I was lucky that all oath ceremonies in my dictrict were conducted in a federal court; otherwise, I would have to do it after the oath. Having old name in the certificate would not be fun even with the court decree authorising the name change post factum.
Yes it is possible.

But I heard that not all DO take request for name change. Some places they have administrative oath, and it is not possible to have a name change.

I think you need to have oath in a court, and there they will process the request.

Yes, I agree with usnycus. You can change first and last name. My DO (San Francisco) does not offer the name change service at the interview. I need to get the name change through court. It costs time and money.
Hi Sudha,
How's your name change process going? do you know you could advertise on sfweekly for very minimal amount ($3 something/month)?

I'm still back and forth with the decision for my name change. Feel like it's too much hassle to do so, yet thought it's a good idea before I get my US passport....
Hi Sudha,
How's your name change process going? do you know you could advertise on sfweekly for very minimal amount ($3 something/month)?

I'm still back and forth with the decision for my name change. Feel like it's too much hassle to do so, yet thought it's a good idea before I get my US passport....

If you have not yet started the process of name change, it is too late. If you really want to change the name it takes about 4-6 weeks. I guess your oath ceremony is already over and got your naturalization certificate with old name. If you want your new name on passport, you need to provide the court document showning name change along with the passport application and naturalization certificate. I am not sure, you need to have new name on both naturalization certificate and court document before applying for passport. If the answer is YES, you need spend more money.
It sounds like changing firstname is a bit easier, but changing surname is a sort of harder due to all of the paperwork.. Am I mistaken?