I have been reading the rules/changes. It's a big document, so I will will continue reading it and seeing and understanding the changes. So, the shocking change I have seen is the process for the determination of what is a "frivolous" asylum claim. Previously, only an Immigration Judge or BIA could make that determination. The administration is proposing that Asylum Officers make that determination.
This change will have a drastic effect on asylum claims. Some observations:
1. I do not think that asylum officers are qualified to make the judgement that someone has made a frivolous application. I'm not saying that the immigration judges or the BIA were 100% qualified - it is just that cases that end up there (immigration court+BIA), there is some semblance of due process, where people are given an opportunity to defend themselves, where you can argue with the help of lawyers that your case is not frivolous.
2. Most asylum claimants are new to the US. Imagine, after the trauma of walking across the world to escape killers/etc, and some battling the Darian Gap, only to reach the border and have the asylum officer determine your fate at the drop of a pen. Most people are traumatized, they are not in a sound state of mind to submit a coherent story. Even those already here, it is hard to relive your trauma and sound credible. It is easy to think that a person filed a frivolous application because of that.
3. I think that when combined with the 'one year filing rule', the change will lead to wholesale rejections of asylum claims: You have been here for 1 year without claiming asylum, therefore, you are filing a frivolous application, the officers will say.
4. Getting legal representation at the border, and during affirmative asylum process is always very hard. So, even if people have real cases, because they are not presented correctly, their claims will seem frivolous.
5. Consequences of determination that you have filed a frivolous application are dire. The rule provides an opening, where, after the determination that you have filed a frivolous application, "...in order to ameliorate the consequences of knowingly filing a frivolous application in appropriate cases, the Departments propose a mechanism that would allow certain aliens to withdraw, with prejudice, their applications by disclaiming the applications; accepting an order of voluntary departure for a period of no more than 30 days; withdrawing, also with prejudice, all other applications for relief or protection; and waiving any rights to file an appeal, motion to reopen, and motion to reconsider. In such instances the aliens would not be subject to a frivolousness finding and could avoid the penalties associated with such a finding." Essentially, self deportation.
6. Practically, if your case was true, but deemed frivolous, you do what everyone has done for decades: live in the country as a undocumented alien. What option do you have, when you can't go back because of fear, but you can't regularize your stay here?
7. What will the Canadians do? Will they also say your application is frivolous? Don't think so...so, I think people will trek north. I would go to Canada. I would continue to Greenland, if need be.
These are just my thoughts as I read the
Procedures for Asylum and Withholding of Removal; Credible Fear and Reasonable Fear Review