change of status from H4 to F1 approved in middle of semester


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I was on H4 during the fall semester 2005. I filed for COS (change of status) in Sept 2005 and it was approved in Oct 2005.

Since I was on H4 when the semester began, I was enrolled only for 6 credits (MS student) which is part-time.....9 credits is full time

The following semester and thereafter, I've been a full-time student and haven't violated any rules.

Will that 1 semester affect my OPT ??


But you must have sufficient credit and duration to qualify for OPT.

vssequeira said:

I was on H4 during the fall semester 2005. I filed for COS (change of status) in Sept 2005 and it was approved in Oct 2005.

Since I was on H4 when the semester began, I was enrolled only for 6 credits (MS student) which is part-time.....9 credits is full time

The following semester and thereafter, I've been a full-time student and haven't violated any rules.

Will that 1 semester affect my OPT ??

Hi greatGuru,

Thanks for replying. Yes, I have been in school as a full-time student from Jan '06 till date. I graduate in Dec '06, which gives me 1 full academic year on F1. I am in good standing as per university records. I also have a GPA of 3.8 (not that it should matter).

So, mu guess is that if that 1 semester doesn't affect, then I am fine.

Have there been other cases like mine before that you know of??? I've tried googling, but haven't seen anything yet.

Please verify the duration with your internation student office, after getting your F1 status, how many months required to be F1 status to eligible for an OPT.

You may be completing more courses while you are in H4 or F2 , but time clock starts for OPT, only after receiving your F1, how many credit did you get it and how long you are in school. Be careful.

vssequeira said:
Hi greatGuru,

Thanks for replying. Yes, I have been in school as a full-time student from Jan '06 till date. I graduate in Dec '06, which gives me 1 full academic year on F1. I am in good standing as per university records. I also have a GPA of 3.8 (not that it should matter).

So, mu guess is that if that 1 semester doesn't affect, then I am fine.

Have there been other cases like mine before that you know of??? I've tried googling, but haven't seen anything yet.

Well, I started school on H4 in Fall 2004. I got F1 (COS) approved in Oct 2005. I graduate in Dec actually that gives me more than 1 year on F1.

Other than that 1 semester, I know I'm good to go. Since that one semester doesn't matter, I don't think I should have a problem. I also read from the SEVIS website, that after the change of status was approved, I just need to inform my ISO who is responsible for updating my SEVIS record, saying that I have arrived and enrolled in classes. So, I'm guessing they don't mean I should've been full-time because I started on H4

This is important information that might help others who do a COS

If a student studies full time for an academic year in a classification eligible for studies (i.e. H4) and then is granted a change of status to F-1, is the student immediately eligible to apply for optional practical training?

An alien who attends school in lawful nonimmigrant status prior to changing status to F-1 is permitted to count the time spent on campus toward the one full academic year in-status requirement for practical training.


I am on H4 from the Summer semester 2010. I filed for COS (change of status) in Sept 2010 and still waiting for approval.
I enrolled for 9 Credits (MS Student) and i finished the summer semester. Now I am in my Fall semester and this time also I took 3 courses and will get 9 credits after completion.

As per my university, I have to complete 36 credits to finish my masters program (MS).

Will the credits earned in summer semester and fall semester count??
Will these semesters affect my OPT ??
Can i transfer the credits i got during H4 after i get my F1 approval??