Change of my daugther's last name to biological father's last name will affect my citizenship


New Member
I have submitted my application for Naturalization process this past friday, but i have a question regarding my daugther's last name changed, I got a daugther during my married, but later on find out that my husband was not the father, we already have changed her last name for the biological father's last name, this will be brought up in my interview or will be a denial for my citizenship. Also my husband wants to come with me to the interview.
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Is your citizenship application based on 3 years of marriage to your USC husband? Was the child born less than 3 years ago? Or are you applying with the regular 5 year rule?
hmm they could question the validity of your marriage (because that would mean you slept with someone else while married to your husband???). It'd help to go with enough documents, and hopefully have your husband accompany you to the interview.
hmm they could question the validity of your marriage (because that would mean you slept with someone else while married to your husband???). It'd help to go with enough documents, and hopefully have your husband accompany you to the interview.

I agree. A good IO will figure this out. If they want to make this an issue, the husband accompanying you will not be enough to prove the health of your marriage.
Could you not wait another 2 years to file?