change of address


Registered Users (C)
Could somebody please tell me if its a good idea to change my apartment ( change of address) after filing for I-485 ( I just got my RD and ND)
If so whats the best way to do it ? ( Is there a local CSC office where I can go personally, im in San Jose,CA)

Since the rents are coming down in the bay area and the economy being what it is I no longer want to pay the High rent I am paying now if I can change my address now.

Dont change address

People are suffering by losing mail. If you want to play very safe, then do not change address. Ofcourse its your choice, but just my 2 cents suggestion.
thank you all

I could easily save around $500 per month I cud change the address ..but then Its better to spend money rather than rely on INS to update your address I guess
Change of Address Looks OK to me

I have sent my new address to INS on Aug 8th. I happended to visit INS local office on Sep 1st week and they verified our new address, my new address was there already at the system. Me too surprised, within a month from sent date. By the way, my 485 receipt notice came after 60 days. Change of address mails have priority opening??. 2 weeks back, my AP approved and I am yet to receive on my hand. I hope there will not be any issues.
Go ahead and change address

As long as you are in the same state, and have the same lawyer, there is no problem in changing address. All notices after filing 485 are sent to the lawyer with a copy to you. So, even if the INS does not update your address, you will still get intimation of any notices from your lawyer.

I changed address midway through 485 - the only thing that happened to me was that I did not get the courtesy copy of my approval - but since the lawyer sent me the original, I had no problem.
i wud not change is a mail from my lawyer..issue with AP/EAD

try to not change postal addresses at least until you have received your AOS
filing receipt, your Advance Parole (AP) and your Employment Authorization Card
(EAD). INS takes between 1 and 6 months to send these documents to you. If you
have changed addresses, and even though we let INS know of that change, INS
takes many months to record the change of address, and even then their software
system does NOT record the change for each of their departments.

Further, INS sends official documents, including the AP and EAD, in envelopes
which instruct the Post Office to NOT forward any INS mail to a new address, but
to return the mail to INS. Once it is returned to INS, INS will NOT mail it
again. As a result, if you move and your INS mail is not delivered, we will
have to resubmit the entire AP and EAD applications and you will be delayed by
as much as a year in receiving them. IF YOU WANT YOUR CASE TO GO SMOOTHLY, AND
must change your address, let us know as soon as possible, please.
No Title

There is no hard and fast rule. People who like to play it safe, please dont change ur address. If you change your address, things may still be fine, if ur unlucky, it will not be fine.
Some people are risk takers. I am a conservative person.
It depends on each person; thats the bottomline.
"Return Service Requested" means

"Further, INS sends official documents, including the AP and EAD, in envelopes
which instruct the Post Office to NOT forward any INS mail to a new address, but
to return the mail to INS. Once it is returned to INS, INS will NOT mail it
again. As a result, if you move and your INS mail is not delivered, we will
have to resubmit the entire AP and EAD applic"

This is not really true. I think "Return Service Requested" means if the address is not found, then only post office will return the documet to the mailer otherwise the documet will be forwarded to the new address given by you. This I have confirmed by talking to my local post office and also I have experienced it with my FP\'s.
So the best way is to change the new address in INS database is:
- update post office about your new forwarding address
- ask your lawyer to change the address
- call INS by phone and change the address in all the applications.