Change of address


Registered Users (C)
I am new to this site and I will submiting the N400 in couple of months. I was just going through the form N400 and I have question regarding the N400 where we fill the last five years stay address(PART 6 A. Where have you lived during the last five years) because I lived in place A and then move to the place B and then to place C. Three month back I sent the AR 11 indicating that I moved from place A to place C. I did not fillout the AR 11 when I moved the place B. Now when I fillout the N400 do I have to mention that I stayed in the place B also or I can just mention I stay in the place A and place C. Any guru's comments will appericated.
Base the answer on where you lived permanently, even if you failed to disclose the address change via AR-11.