Change of Address


Registered Users (C)
Today I received a letter from Homeland Security (DHS) saying that our change of address notice only go to the USCIS, and forget to notifying DHS.. and we need to complete it right now..
But back 4 months ago, Both our lawyer and ourselves sent the registed mail to them ,and verifyed a week later, they said they reveived..
So does anyone has the same experience like us? Will this impact our GC application? Our ND is April 2002 ,and we received no Refs so far..
Hope you can help us . Thanks!:confused:
That's what I was wondering too. What the hell this INS stupid crap..... I changed me address almost a year ago and sent form to all three places. Now it tells me to change the address with Kentucky one. I just disregard. My ND is 03/02
I got two letters, one stating that if I filed my AR11 after july 2003, then disregard the letter else mail the AR11 to Kentuky. I got anoter yesterday (one week between two letters). If I mailed change of address after Feb 2004 disregard the letter else amil AR11 otherwise the process will be delaid. I mailed my change of address to Kentuky I think some time last year in July. Anyway I am planning to send both letters(AR11 on the back) TO kentuky.
Me too. This week I got two letters from DHS (three days apart), saying USCIS notified them my address change and asking me to file AR11 to Kentucky. One said disregard it if already filed AR11 since Dec. 5, 2003, and another said disregard it if filed AR11 since Sept, 10, 2003. But I filed AR11 and address change to both Kentucky and USCIS in August 2003 just after I moved. I do not understand. I just completed the AR11 and mailed back to Kentucky again. :confused:
me too

I also received such a letter this weekend. I filed AR-11 on August 18,2003. The letter said if I filed AR-11 since August 20th, ignore the notice. I assume that I should file it again. I also kept a return reciept from last filing, so I can prove to them I filed it on time, and they could not say that I failed to file AR-11 10 business days after change of address.

On positive side, if the department of Home Land Security just recently received the information from Service Center ( they call it local office), does that mean the NSC is looking at our cases?

Let's post our ND, and keep this thread alive; so we will see if any of us will receive RFE or approval. My ND was 10/2002.
I received the same notice last Friday. Anyway I will fill them ( for both my wife and myself) again. Hope it happens because UCIS is looking at our cases now. My RD is June, 2002. So it's about the time. Just cross finger for it.
I also received the change of address

Me and my husband both received the change of address notice.
I guess that NSC is looking at our cases.

ND: 9/2002

Concurrent filing July 2002
Same here!

I received 2 letters one for me and one for my spouse - Thsi is the exact wording in my letter,

Subject: Recent Change of Address

Your local USCIS notified us of your change of address. In order to completely process your CoA with the DHS, you must also complete an AR-11 form and mail it to the address below,

"KY address"

Where possible, please provide an A-number or other identifying numbers. Failure to complete all applicable sections may delay processing of the form.

Please disregard this notice if you have submitted an AR-11 form to DHS/USCIS since August 7, 2003

Thank you.

My RD is 11/27/02 and my spouse RD is 04/01/03 - Therefore I dont think they have touched our files yet, but this could be yet another 'processing delay' and block even more resources by duplicating their work, rather than putting them to adjucate 485 cases.
received similar letter

I received a smiliar letter. I am planning to send a copy of the same form I sent soon after I moved here. That way they cannot say that I didnt inform them when i moved. If they have misplaced it, now they will have another copy for their records.
I was adviced by lawyers to ignore it, as long as i have proof that i did sent ar-11 form.
Hope it helps every one a little bit .
I would not worry about that letter. I have recived it on 03/19/2004 as well. I taked to my attorney and his said to ignore it since I sent my AR-11 form with a registered mail few months back. Incidentally, my case status change for the first time in more than 20 months indicating that on 03/19/2004 they have sent me RFE!!!
Me too. I have sent AR-11 form twice. Called 800 number once. Still I received a letter from DHS to update my address (to my new address). I don't know what the hell is going on. Have received my approval last month. What should I do? Submit one more time?
I Would Not Ignore Any Notice

Respond to the notice via certified mail. Also call the National Customer Service number and make sure the address is correct. If it is not correct, then visit your local BCIS office and get them to correct it.

If you miss a notice, or don't get your EAD or AP, then the fact that they screwed up the address is not a defence. Best to be sure to the point of paranoia on these things. Even if you have a GC you have a requirement to keep BCIS updated on changes of address.
paulclarke1 is correct. it is not going to harm if you send in the AR11 form oce again with certified mail...........
paulclarke1 and others. Thanks.

I agree with you. I have decided to send it one more time any way. I have received my 2nd FP, Approval copy and this letter to my new address. It looks like they have my new address. I don’t know why they sent this letter.
Yup, We got similar letters for change of address. We alreday sent it long time back. Checking with the lawyer to see if it is okay to just send one more Ar-11 form or it will cause some problem there. I dont want to send it again and later INS comes back and say, you send the change of address after one year not 10 days. I think INS lost all the AR-11 forms we send earlier. So they are sending it everybody asking to send the change of address again.

We will see..

ND 10/02
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Address change

Could somebody please let me know where all we have to file the change of address form?

Is is AR11 or AR 11 Special registration for H visa?

Do we need to call any 800 number? If so what number?

Thanks in advance
received the same letter 3 times

I received 3 letters during past 2 weeks about this AR-11 forms. All three letters were addressed to me and were sent on different dates, the contents were identical. I think their computer system is messed up.