Change of Address "Forgiveness"?


Registered Users (C)
Is there some sort of waiver system for GC holders who've never filed an AR-11? My situation's very complicated, but basically I've never filed one and I've been in various residences in the US over the past nine years! :eek:

I only learned about this requirement now, and it's really got me freaked. :(
Re: Re: Change of Address "Forgiveness"?

Originally posted by JoeF
I'm sorry, but I have to ask if you don't read newspapers or watch TV? This has been all over the news since 9/11.

I only returned to the US in May of 2002; honestly haven't seen it mentioned in the media since then. Also, I just graduated from college and had a lot of starting-out-on-your-own issues to deal with. [/excuse]
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I actually didn't know about the AR-11 either. I haven't submitted that to BCIS but have already applied for my naturalization. As such, I was told by the preparer that I do not need to worry about the AR-11 unless I move before getting naturalized.