Change in # of days


Registered Users (C)
It doesn't matter but still couldn't resist to post this change...

It is taking between 900 and 950 days
The message changed for my case too. Instead of saying 990 to 999 days it now says 900 to 950 days. Thats almost 3 months less!!

RD/ND May'02
FP Still Waiting

I checked my daughter's and it changed to 900 to 950 days too.

RD: 05/01/2002
FP: 04/16/2003
AD: waiting 734
now I'm overdue

The last time I checked the processing time was 990 to 999 days and I am currently at about 980 days. Now my status message says normal processing is 900 to 950 days, so now I am overdue.:rolleyes:

RD 08/01