Change in Immigrant Visa Processing Procedures (India) as on Jan 2002 -GC-CP

Vish Somanath

Registered Users (C)
Please read the following about the new IV (GC-CP)processing procedure (India) since January 1, 2002.

As of January 1, 2002, please note that there has been a change in all cases that process through Indian posts this includes the U.S. Consulate in
Chennai, the U.S. Consulate in Mumbai and U.S. Embassy in New Delhi. Any
Packet III issued after January 1, 2002 must now go through the National
Visa Center for the initial processing of the application.

All new Packet III\'s will be processed as follows:

Step One: Once the I-140 has been approved the INS will forward notice of
the I-140 approval to the National Visa Center in New Hampshire. After the
NVC has received notice, it will take approximately 6-8 weeks for our office to receive the Packet III from the NVC. Even though, the NVC can give a case number prior to our office receiving the Packet III. The application can not be filed until our office is in receipt of the actual Packet III. There is a bar code sheet which is included in the Packet that our office must have in order to file the application with the NVC.

Step Two: Once our office receives Packet III, we will file the application
with the National Visa Center granted our office is in receipt of all the
documents and forms. The application will first be sent to a P.O. Box in
St. Louis for receipt of payment ($260 application fee which must be paid in a money order or cashier?s check made payable to the Department of State). Then, the application will be sent to the NVC for the initial processing of the application. If the NVC deems the forms to be in order, the application will then be forwarded on to the U.S. Consulate/Embassy stated in Packet III.

Step Three: The application will then be received by the U.S.
Consulate/Embassy. They will order visa numbers from the Department of
State. The U.S. Consulate/Embassy will then schedule the interview once the visa numbers are available.

It is hard for our office to estimate how long this process will take from
the time of the I-140 approval. It is estimated that it can take
anywhere from 5-9 months from the date the I-140 is approved. This estimate
is based on the U.S. Consulate in Juarez, Mexico which has been following
this process for about a year.
This procedure has been around for a while in Alphas.

The above looks like a communication from a law firm. This procedure has been around for a while. Montreal is one of the consulates ("Alpha" consulates) that follows such a procedure. Points to note:

- do not send P3 until you receive the official P3 with instructions from NVC. Be sure to include the bar coded letter.

- send exactly those docs that are requested by NVC in *your* P3. Different people may receive different instructions.

- Failure to follow NVC\'s instructions in P3 may result in additional delays. If they ask for originals / certified copies, send exactly those.
does this new process affect the overall processing time

Has anyone noticed a sunstantial difference in the overall processing time.
Time Difference

It says above that it may take anywhere from 5 to 9 months. Whereas, I know a friend who needed 2 months from I140 approval to Interview date.
Not yet, but it is sure to build up.

For now, the new procedure has not had a significant impact on employment based applications. A few weeks have been added to the overall time, due to the processing of fees in St. Louis.

However, in the future, it is likely to result in additional delays.

The general idea is to internalize some aspects of consular processing at NVC: validation and verification of documents, application review and processing, generation of visa numbers, etc.

Firstly, NVC will serve as a central facility for tasks that are common across various posts. Secondly, all applications will be subject to a uniform review. This is just another step to insure consistency in consular processing.

What does it mean for applicants? More work at NVC means more processing time, resulting in potential backlogs. Most law firms are estimating six to nine months for consular processing in the futgure. On the other hand, interviews at consular posts will be non-events, since most of the kinks would\'ve been ironed out already.
No Title

In the future means when.My 140 got approved in jan2nd week
i want to know whether this effect will be on mine also

If your I-140 was approved recently, chances are that you will see minimal delays. There are two types of projected delays:

- Processing delay due to the newly added St. Louis step. It could take anything from 2-4 weeks. (Some people have been lucky and got it over with in a few days, others got stuck and spent six weeks.) All applicants will face this delay, regardless of when they apply.

- Long-term delay due to the centralized nature of this process. Previously, the consular load was directly distributed among the consulates. Now, all applications will be funneled through St. Louis. It is likely that St. Louis may become a bottleneck, resulting in backlogs. As of now, there are no indications of any backlogs. However, over a period of time (four to six months), we may begin to see the creation of backlogs. So, applicants who file for CP after a few months are more likely to see the delays.
positive note...

one good thing i can see coming out is...that since NVC verifies all your documents and gives a green signal to go ahead, you have better confidence going for the interview.

i mean you don\'t have to worry about whether the consulate accepts your documents or not..because that part will now be done by NVC and you\'ll be called for interview only if everything is OK.
If it isn\'t NVC, does Consulates verifies the documents ??


What kind of verification is done at the consulates. Please let me know.
guys, spoke to two operators over the last few days wh told me 2 different things

The first one says that WE DO NOT have to send any documents(original/certified) in the return envelope to St Louis. Only the forms asked for in the P3 which I guess is ONLY the DS 230 part1.

The second operator I spoke to today says that we have to send ALL originals while returning the P3. NVC will "verify" and send to consulate.

Do not know which one is right .. Guess have to wait for the P3

first lady was right.
I have got Pkt3 and there is no mention of any docs(copies/original).
BTW it is Bombay.
The requirements may vary from consulate to consulate.
Police certificate

Do we need to send PCC to NVC or we hae to present at the time of interview.

As I am in USA do I need to take PCC from Indian consualte in US or from India.

Thanks in advance
If NVC does not need any docs then u do not have to send PCC.

As you are in US, PCC from Indian consulate would do, though it is better to get one from local police stn in India as well.
I don\'t think Police Clearance from Local Police Station is needed

I have seen a posting where a person got a confirmation email from consulate that PCC from US embassy is all they would need.
What is the effect of new policy on "Follow to Join" Petition??

I am combining CP & Marriage.. I will be submitting docs for
my wife during my interview.. Do U think she has to go thru
the new procedure before her interview is scheduled??
Where is this new procedure mentioned?

I couldn\'t find these changes mentioned at any lawyer\'s site, nor on NVC site. Looks like this is going to cause delays. And if they ask for PCC upfront, its going to delay it even further. Because according to old rules, we\'ve to take PCC to consulate for which we had enough time now we have to send it to NVC along with P3. Procedure is getting tougher and tougher by everyday.
