certified mail?

zeeman said:

congrats on your victory over the INS. Maybe we should keep a database of good attorneys like yours

Thanks. it's been a crucial battle! the thing I liked about this lawyer is that she told me that she can take my case but nothing is guaranteed and she devoted much more time into the matter by explaining what could be done, unlike some others who looked at my wallet more than the issue itself.

The bottom line is that my case was complicated in a way that it's confusing and was handeled by an unexperienced officer but faith in my cause + $$$$ saved me from another long and painful re-application process
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usasf99 said:
Thanks. it's been a crucial battle! the thing I liked about this lawyer is that she told me that she can take my case but nothing is guaranteed and she devoted much more time into the matter by explaining what could be done, unlike some others who looked at my wallet more than the issue itself.

The bottom line is that my case was complicated in a way that it's confusing and was handeled by an unexperienced officer
wow man, I am greatefull that you made it!! :) finally good news. Alhamdulillah you made it man. for me , i still didn't hear anything :(
anyway, just wanted to congratulate you brother.

It's seemed that your attorney is a very honest and diligent attorney especially when she told you in advance that she cannot give you a gurantee for your case to have approved. Otherwise, 99.99% attorneys always give guarantee or assurance just to take your case to empty your wallet.

I think you should provide her name and number over here so that she could have more clients and clients could also get a best attorney (she) to represent them if they were happened to be from your neighborhood.
JohnnyCash said:
It's seemed that your attorney is a very honest and diligent attorney especially when she told you in advance that she cannot give you a gurantee for your case to have approved. Otherwise, 99.99% attorneys always give guarantee or assurance just to take your case to empty your wallet.

I think you should provide her name and number over here so that she could have more clients and clients could also get a best attorney (she) to represent them if they were happened to be from your neighborhood.

I m not sure if I m allowed to post her name and address on this forum without her consent, she is an active member of AILA. What I can suggest is I ll send her coordinates via email upon anybody's request if they need help. her office is in San Francisco.
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sony55 said:
wow man, I am greatefull that you made it!! :) finally good news. Alhamdulillah you made it man. for me , i still didn't hear anything :(
anyway, just wanted to congratulate you brother.
thank you sony, hope you hear the good news soon too.

“I m not sure if I m allowed to post her name and address on this forum without her consent”

What made you to think so? She is a lawyer, not a govt. agent. The only way she can make her living in this profession is-by letting herself to know to others. I think you might already know that she has anyway exposed herself to the world by advertising about herself in the yellow pages, in local Newspapers and at other places. So obviously, there won’t be any problem for her if you would post her name and address over here. Rather she will be happy that you are helping her. This way, you can also pay your gratitude to her since it would be good for her living. And this way, you would be helping thousands of people over this board who might need her services in the future. People need to help each other. Like others helped you. Now, it is your turn to help them whatever way you can. Who knows someone might need the service of this attorney in the future, especially when it is very hard to find a honest and good attorney particularly when mostly immigration attorneys don’t touch complicated matters or only handle simple cases. People can use her services depite of being living in other jurisdictions since immigration is a federal matter and particularly when people's life would be in the line/stake.

Besides, you are not posting her SS# or her intimate detail of her life wherein you need to ask her first, instead you are posting only her name and address, which is perfectly okay. Nonetheless when publicity is necessary for her business. Nobody is going to ask her about you or about your case, nor she would give any information about you (a client) particularly when attorneys are abided by ‘attorney-client confidentiality contact’. Thereby, you don’t need to ask her permission for this like I did when I gave you the name of the attorney in San Francisco. I did not ask his permission before giving out his name. Similarly, thousands of people post names and addresses of many people TO HELP OTHERS without the permission like Rahul did when he mentioned about whom to contact in FBI for name check and other stuffs.

Rest is up to you. But if I were you, I will post her name and address to help others especially if I were helped from this forum. This way, I will help her too.
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JohnnyCash said:
“I m not sure if I m allowed to post her name and address on this forum without her consent”

What made you to think so? She is a lawyer, not a govt. agent. The only way she can make her living in this profession is-by letting herself to know to others. I think you might already know that she has anyway exposed herself to the world by advertising about herself in the yellow pages, in local Newspapers and at other places. So obviously, there won’t be any problem for her if you would post her name and address over here. Rather she will be happy that you are helping her. This way, you can also pay your gratitude to her since it would be good for her living. And this way, you would be helping thousands of people over this board who might need her services in the future. People need to help each other. Like others helped you. Now, it is your turn to help them whatever way you can. Who knows someone might need the service of this attorney in the future, especially when it is very hard to find a honest and good attorney particularly when mostly immigration attorneys don’t touch complicated matters or only handle simple cases. People can use her services depite of being living in other jurisdictions since immigration is a federal matter and particularly when people's life would be in the line/stake.

Besides, you are not posting her SS# or her intimate detail of her life wherein you need to ask her first, instead you are posting only her name and address, which is perfectly okay. Nonetheless when publicity is necessary for her business. Nobody is going to ask her about you or about your case, nor she would give any information about you (a client) particularly when attorneys are abided by ‘attorney-client confidentiality contact’. Thereby, you don’t need to ask her permission for this like I did when I gave you the name of the attorney in San Francisco. I did not ask his permission before giving out his name. Similarly, thousands of people post names and addresses of many people TO HELP OTHERS without the permission like Rahul did when he mentioned about whom to contact in FBI for name check and other stuffs.

Rest is up to you. But if I were you, I will post her name and address to help others especially if I were helped from this forum. This way, I will help her too.

I have no problems with that:

here is the link to her site: http://www.faizlaw.com/


I just could not believe when I read the name of your attorney. Now, I must say that people should be careful if they would choose her their attorney. Why? Because I know a lot of things (obviously bad ones) about this attorney from others. I remember there was one woman on ILW, named Karen who posted a detailed experience or ordeal of her in dealing with this attorney almost 2 yrs ago. She also mentioned how her marriage case ended up in a ‘Fraud Unit’ because of this attorney. Even this attorney came up on ILW to defend herself. They had a quite bit arguments there. I believed on Karen. I talked to her over the phone and gave her my opinion.

This attorney might have handled your case nicely, but in other cases-she was known for placing people on deportation or under investigation. Besides it was also said there that she held interview notice for Karen that made Karen to miss her interview. I personally don't know this attorney nor I have had any experience with her. Neither I know who was wrong and who was right for sure, but I'm telling the truth what I came to know about this attorney from other websites. So now, people should think hard keeping all the information in mind before hiring her.
JohnnyCash said:
I just could not believe when I read the name of your attorney. Now, I must say that people should be careful if they would choose her their attorney. Why? Because I know a lot of things (obviously bad ones) about this attorney from others. I remember there was one woman on ILW, named Karen who posted a detailed experience or ordeal of her in dealing with this attorney almost 2 yrs ago. She also mentioned how her marriage case ended up in a ‘Fraud Unit’ because of this attorney. Even this attorney came up on ILW to defend herself. They had a quite bit arguments there. I believed on Karen. I talked to her over the phone and gave her my opinion.

This attorney might have handled your case nicely, but in other cases-she was known for placing people on deportation or under investigation. Besides it was also said there that she held interview notice for Karen that made Karen to miss her interview. I personally don't know this attorney nor I have had any experience with her. Neither I know who was wrong and who was right for sure, but I'm telling the truth what I came to know about this attorney from other websites. So now, people should think hard keeping all the information in mind before hiring her.

There is one thing that I want to mention here: there is no attorney with success rate of 100%. maybe I was lucky but I m convinced that she tried hard and at least dedicated enough time to my case. I m satisfied with the work she has done.
Oath Question

I got today an official letter from INS showing that my case was approved. anyone has an Idea about how long it takes them to mail the oath letter?
(I have some overseas work related travel plans and don't want it to conflict with the oath..)
I know there are ceremonies here in San Francisco twice a month (every other tuesday) , next one is 6/21.
anyone got notified for a later day?
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usasf99 said:
thank you Johnny.
I m going on Monday to my lawyer and consult with Gurfinkel (get his opinion as well) then choose who to hire.
by the way, how things are going regarding your case (if you don't mind)?
How long (weeks or months) it took them to send you the denial certified letter? I am just curious, please let me know. I hope that you will get positive decision soon. My prayers with you my friend. Please hanging in there. It will be okay.

Reader2000 said:
How long (weeks or months) it took them to send you the denial certified letter? I am just curious, please let me know. I hope that you will get positive decision soon. My prayers with you my friend. Please hanging in there. It will be okay.


Hi , it seems you haven't read my previous message! I got approved my friend about three weeks ago verbally and got a written confirmation today.

the denial process took about 2 months because they kept asking me to mail them documents that I could not provide! it was carried by an unexperienced officer who could not figure out the right from the wrong.
Oath has arrived

just wanted to share my timeline:

application: 6/18/04
interview: 1/28/05
denial: 3/22/05
appeal filed within a month
denial review: 5/26/05 (granted)
official grant letter: 6/14/05
oath letter arrived today scheduled for: 7/7/05 in SAN FRANCISCO.

Thanks to everyone for their help and recommendations.
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From the bottom of my Heart, CONGRATULATIONS!

usasf99 said:
just wanted to share my timeline:

application: 6/18/04
interview: 1/28/05
denial: 3/22/05
appeal filed within a month
denial review: 5/26/05 (granted)
official grant letter: 6/14/05
oath letter arrived today scheduled for: 7/7/05 in SAN FRANCISCO.

Thanks to everyone for their help and recommendations.
Dear brother, i am proud of you.
You never gave up, and at the end of the dark tunner, you got what you deserve!
Congratulations brother :)
usasf99 said:
I got today an official letter from INS showing that my case was approved. anyone has an Idea about how long it takes them to mail the oath letter?
(I have some overseas work related travel plans and don't want it to conflict with the oath..)
I know there are ceremonies here in San Francisco twice a month (every other tuesday) , next one is 6/21.
anyone got notified for a later day?
would you please attach the letter of approval that you have received after the hearing. I just want to see the wording of it please!

Thank you,