Certificate of non availability - Urgent Help


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Hi guys,

does anybody have any format of certificate of non availibility.
Urgent help required. RFE issued.
where's ur birth place.

the local authorities over there should have a standrad format which says " we do't have any records of birth of Mr X son of Mr Y ." I got this from kanpur (india) birth registration office .Yeh paid some money but 2 hours they gave me.
Yes will require a affidavite from your father stating you r his son and was born there and a application for non availabilty certificate.
my birthplace is bombay.
They have a record of birth. The problem is with my name. for some reason my parents changed it.
Originally posted by 22ezgc
is the birth certificate issued by indian consulate not valid? It costs just $20.

Thats a good question... need to find out...
no it all depends on officer to occicer, some times they hv accepted that certificate but most of times they have rejected it. So now on rfe u shoul't take a chance. Bombay is no brainer , tell ur parents to get the non availablity by paying up there or get the new certificate with your school leveing certificate that this is your real name now or else they should hv documents that they changed ur name and other things that might cause major issues because u must hv filled up in 485 and other places that u hv't changed the name .
I have not lived in Bombay for a long time though i was born there. Does anybody know whether there are dalals outside BMC offices.
If your birth was registered (under a different name), get the birth certificate issued under that name and also include affidavits from your parents to indicate "change in your name". Back it up with school records or other official records (other than passport) that go back many years.
Birth certificates issued by Indian consulates are useless for this purpose.
Birth certificate Validity

Hi Guys,

Birth certificate issued by Indian Embassy is Invalid. USCIS dos not accept that document.

Moreover, you need to get 2 separate affidavits for birth certificate ( Father & Mother ) on INR 20 stamp paper duly notarized.

Here is the format:


____________, being duly sworn, deposes and says that:

1. I am years old and reside at ____________________________________________.

2. I am the Father of _____________

3. ___________was born in the City of ______, State/Province of ________in the Country of INDIA on __________.

4. I know this to be true because: I was present at the time of (your name)’s birth

5. ______________ is the son of __________ my wife and I.

6.It is customary in our culture to name the child after a short period of time after the birth and therefore the name is not registered on the birth certificate.

I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the U.S., that the foregoing is true and correct.



Subscribed and sworn to (affirmed) before me this __________ day of __________ at

My commission expires on __________.

Signature of Officer administering oath _________________.