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CEAC status right after the interview.


Registered Users (C)
Hi all. Today we had our interview. Everything went fine, the officer said that our papers are ok and they will call in 2-3 days to take our passports. And now in CEAC our CN is under "Administrative Processing". If it's in AP why didn't they tell us about it in the embassy?
You are not the fisrt one that reported that !!!!
After 3~5 days go and pick up you visas ok !
Thank you very much guys and girls. Sorry, before creating the thread I searched but didn't find similar question.
Just to agree with the above. If they haven't told you you are in "real" AP then it's just that it is the default status while they are working on your visa. It will switch to "issued" once the visa is printed.
You were right as always people. They haven't called me yet to take the passports but the status n CEAC already changed to "Issued" :).
You were right as always people. They haven't called me yet to take the passports but the status n CEAC already changed to "Issued" :).

Thank you for sharing and good luck with your new life :)
Now forum mates, that's why we can not trust the Ceac at 100%!
Because when we extract the data some will show AP while its actually granted!

Ps: sergey leave asap ;)
Thank you for sharing and good luck with your new life :)
Now forum mates, that's why we can not trust the Ceac at 100%!
Because when we extract the data some will show AP while its actually granted!

Ps: sergey leave asap ;)

I will be there in 1 month :).
Which Immigrant Case Number should I input to check the status ?
I've just the 2014EU000286xx, and I've read I should have a number beginning with the consulate (NLP for italy).
I haven't....
Which Immigrant Case Number should I input to check the status ?
I've just the 2014EU000286xx, and I've read I should have a number beginning with the consulate (NLP for italy).
I haven't....

You don't need a consulate, but leave out the zeroes.
ok, I inputted 2014eu286xx, and the answer was "Your search did not return any data."
Maybe I must wait some days ?
I received the 2NL just yesterday :)