Cashier check Q


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How do I know when my check is getting encashed. The person at bank told me - no way !! _is it true ?
Also, does STL issue receipt after getting pkt-3 ? Or how do I know that they have received my pkt-3 ?
Originally posted by Ranen
How do I know when my check is getting encashed. The person at bank told me - no way !! _is it true ?
Also, does STL issue receipt after getting pkt-3 ? Or how do I know that they have received my pkt-3 ?

You should be able to get the date when your cheque got paid off. I am surpriced with the answer you got from bank. Check with them once again. STL will NOT issue any receipt.
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Hi Saradao,
Thanks for the response!!
The banker told me my personal check will be encashed tonight and Cashier check -? - no way to track !! I was so surprised asked the same question again !! Anyway, how can I track a cashier check ? How do I know when it's encashed ? Any alternative ?
Originally posted by Ranen
Hi Saradao,
Thanks for the response!!
The banker told me my personal check will be encashed tonight and Cashier check -? - no way to track !! I was so surprised asked the same question again !! Anyway, how can I track a cashier check ? How do I know when it's encashed ? Any alternative ?

In fact it is as simple as calling the bank issued it. I did the same.
Thanks I'll do the same. When is your interview ? Is it at Mumbai ?
Best wishes !!
Originally posted by Ranen
Thanks I'll do the same. When is your interview ? Is it at Mumbai ?
Best wishes !!
Thanks Ranen. My consulate is chennai. I am expecting Nov/Dec interview.
Hai Saradao,

Did your document review got completed ? I think ours reached NVC in 2 days gap. Today also I called NVC but the same response as 6-8 weeks for review. Mine reached on 23rd August
Originally posted by juke
Hai Saradao,

Did your document review got completed ? I think ours reached NVC in 2 days gap. Today also I called NVC but the same response as 6-8 weeks for review. Mine reached on 23rd August

Hi juke,

My review is done on 6th of this month. I guess even you should have done by now. What is your consulate?
Hai Saradao,,
Congrats and thanks for your response. My consulate is Qatar. When I called on Sep 13 (Friday ) morning they told that review not done. So hope may be it happen in next week . Did your case sent to consulate ?
Originally posted by juke
Hai Saradao,,
Congrats and thanks for your response. My consulate is Qatar. When I called on Sep 13 (Friday ) morning they told that review not done. So hope may be it happen in next week . Did your case sent to consulate ?
When I called on 9th they did't. Planning to call next week again.
Good luck with your case....