Cases filed after Jan1 , 2005


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What happens if I apply my case after Jan2005 but before perm rule effective date . Where would it go ?
DD2003 said:
What happens if I apply my case after Jan2005 but before perm rule effective date . Where would it go ?

It will be routed to one of the recently opened National Processing Center (NPC). Either Atlanta or Chicago, depends on what state you file it from.
That's according to some DOL memo. But since PERM is cleared, the NPCs should start to process PERM after 60 days of publishing PERM regulation, will NPCs still do regular LC or RIR between Jan 1st 2005 to the date PERM start? I think that's a question now.
You should file

Think about the scenarios

1) It really does go to the NPCs - no backlog quick approval.

2) You get screwed and get sent to BEC, no different than if you file now, except you've lost a few more days. And no reason why you can't withdraw your application and submit under PERM.
Casese after Jan1 2005

Because Lawyer fees costs too much to file twice.................

and what about the deadline of sending cases filed before 1 jan 2005 to backlog center.

Question is what is going to happen to the cases filed after 31 Dec but before perm rule.
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DD2003 said:
Because Lawyer fees costs too much to file twice.................

and what about the deadline of sending cases filed before 1 jan 2005 to backlog center.

Question is what is going to happen to the cases filed after 31 Dec but before perm rule.

what will happen between jan 1 and PERM processing is still a mystery. i believe once PERM is published ,the 60 days window will be for training those lazy officers at NPC for how to use PERM. therefore, i don't expect that any of those files after jan1 2005 will be sent to NPC. I think they will be sent to BEC. this is the most logic scenario.
antonioa77 said:
what will happen between jan 1 and PERM processing is still a mystery. i believe once PERM is published ,the 60 days window will be for training those lazy officers at NPC for how to use PERM. therefore, i don't expect that any of those files after jan1 2005 will be sent to NPC. I think they will be sent to BEC. this is the most logic scenario.

I agree with this logic. If PERM is certain, NPC will no longer process any cases other than PERM. If you file in the transisiton period there is a greater chance that it will go to BEC. Simple advise is wait for a month & keep your eyes open. If you feel PERM is too restrictive for your case after seeing the final rules, then apply in RIR before PERM comes into effect & later convert into PERM if needed.