Case was tranferred to NYC


Registered Users (C)
I called VSC and was told that my case(ND 11/99, PD 97, FP 3/2001, EB3) was transferred to NYC office, would anyone share the experience with me about how long I will need to wait, is there a phone # we can use to find out the status?

No Title

you might have to wait for a while, just like me(transferred Feb.23).

Last September transfers, one just got stamped, and another scheduled an interview this september.

keep in touch
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Right, Should we contact the senetor for some kind of help, this is very ridiculous? Thank you for your reply! Sara
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who knows. I was just totally disappointed. I am trying to apply the Canadian visa now.
God bless us.
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Right, I will try contact the NY senetors, and will let you know if I hear anything from them. Also in the same time, I requested my lawyer to do an inquire on my case in NYC office. Don\'t give up. I was also very diappointed when I got this information. You can send me you email address in case there is any progress on my case. Take Care!

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I am now in West Coast and have no way to contact NY senators. Hope the senators will be of any help to you. My lawyer is also far away from NY, plus she is really not helpful, except handle my papers to INS.

I did not see many NYC transferred cases, totally might be 4 or 5, at least on this site. 2 of the transferred last September (one just stamped, one will have an interview this September), 2 of them transferred last December. Mine is this Feb.

You can email me at: for your good news, or have a discussion.

Best, right
No Title

Right and Sara,

My case just got transfered to NY office today, I need the same info like local NY phone#. I am really tired after almost 5 years waitting.
Can my email address be added into your discussion?

