Case transferred

more than 9 month?

once i saw someone run the scripts showed buffalo transfer is less than 4, 5 per EACxxxxx, while others place get more than 10 times of that. and it still takes such long time :( :confused:
anyone has interviewed share the experience of wait time?

mmm33, you are welcome. Please keep me posted, and in turn, I'll let you know, via this website, if there is any news .

In Buffalo, the name check is what's delaying you. Employment based cases have PRIORITY in scheduling. I understand that the scheduling of the interview is done immediately (1-2 weeks max) after the receipt of the name check clearance.

The "9" months wait is usually 4-6 months, according to my lawyer, but that's what's written on the paper.

One year ago I could not believe that the process might take more than 360 days: here I am after almost 22 months with no answer in sight.
wish u guys get interview soon

rav8tor, mmm33

maybe you guys should buy those officers dinner just to make sure they do the 10-15 min check as early as possible :D :D
Answer to question about fingerprints asked by "Gonecase"
Date of FP: May 22, 2001
Yesterday I received the transfer notice from Vermont which reads as follows:
"Preliminary processing has been completed and we transferred your application to the INS (sic!) Office in Buffalo (address and phone # are included).
That office will notify you when they schedule an interview. All inquiries about your case must be made to that office."
So, after 20 months they have completed "preliminary processing" and now they have turned over the case to the district office. They change the rules and procedures whenever they please since it is obvious that the 540 days does not apply in my case and in other cases we've seen on this forum.
rav8tor, please answer


I'm having the same problem as you had. USCIS recently transferred my case to Buffalo by mistake. It seems there is no way to contact with the NYC office and ask them to transfer to the right place. Could you please tell me how did you handle this, or did you just wait? How long did it take? Thanks.