Case transferred to Newark

Hi ehuang,
This is what I think about Local transfers and company change-
1. If you work for company A and move to company B and if your GC is sponsored by company A then there is a good chance of getting Local transfer.
2. If you work for company A and move to company B and company B has started your GC processing prior to company change then there is a chance of getting RFE
3. If you work for company A and you have never worked for company B and company B is sponsoring your GC then there is a chance of getting RFE or Local transfer
In these three categories INS find the first category as most suspicious cases as they doubt that the sponsoring company might not be supporting the process any more. Recently heard that one of my friend’s friend faced some difficulty getting GC approved as he belonged to the first category and applied for AC-21 thru a third company. People with such cases must definitely take an attorney when they go for iterview
Hi All,

By reading your post, I got the idea that the transfer case may related to job changing, but I never change job, same address, EB 2/NIW, and I got the local transfer to Arlington.

Even, I never call IIO, just checked the AVM/online.

What could be the reason for the transfer? Any guess?
I was specifically talking about local transfers when there is a change in company . Generally speaking there is no definite rule for local transfer. A lazy officer can transfer your case without any reason -if he wants to step out of work little early.......
Sorry for not giving any input. Been made to work real hard for the last couple of weeks. Now that work is done 90% back to the immigration chat rooms.

As I mentioned before, our case (wife & myself) is very simple. I have been with the same company for 4 years. So my lawyer has told me that she need not be at the interview.

A few weeks ago I read on the reasons for Interview waiver for I-485. Job change was the most common reason for local transfer/interview for EB based cases.

Another reason stated was, any information on you at the local office could result in transfer. This is the category that our case belongs to. My wife has to take emergency parole twice from Newark.

The whole green card is just a guessing game. So best of luck to all of you.
Have you received your interview notice? I am still waiting. It has been 4 weeks since my case transferred to Newark.
What are you planning to do...

Hi ehaung,

What does your attorney says. Are you going to Newark to get the staus of your case or wait for another week. My case was transferred on 9/20/02.

Good Luck...
Hi ehuang,
I haven't got my transfer notice or interview notice yet. If you have the patience to stand in the queue for 5 hrs go ahead and try to get some information from the local office. If i am in your situation i would wait for one more week. i have a feeling that your notice is on its way and you would get it some time this week or early next week. This delay might be due to the increase in number of local transfers since August.
My lawyer said it's normal , even wai to another 2 weeks. Did you get you interview notice?
I have not got the letter yet

I am waiting and waiting...... May be in another couple of weeks, i will get the letter. Let us know, when any of us get Interview letter.

Good Luck to all,
Not yet. Hope it's on the way for my interview letter.
My EAD will be expired two months later. Do you know how can I renew my EAD? VSC or Newark? Mail to them my application form or just go to newark without any appointment?
I applied to VSC

Hi Ehuang,

I sent my application to renew EAD to VSC on aug 22nd, 90 days before expire. EAD application is also transferred to Newrk on Oct, 7th. I think, you can walk to Newark for EAD renewal.
You are allowed to walk in for EADs only if your application is pending for 90 days ( 90 days from Receipt date). Other wise you might end up standing in long Queue for 5 hrs to get “ No – you have to send application by mail” as answer from an immigration officer. More over such EADs are interim EADs ( Valid only for 3 Months).
So, you don't think I can walk into the Newark INS for my EAD renew without any appointment. Based on your undertanding, where do I need to send my application form to? VSc or Newark? Do you think it's necessary to extend my EAD cause my interview date should be earlier than my ead approve. that what I think.
I don’t think that you can walk-in to Newark office and get interim EAD without an EAD application pending there. Once your case gets transferred to Newark, you have no business with VSC. Any thing related to your transferred case needs to be looked upon by the local office. The address to send your application is same as the one in your transfer notice but the Room no: might be different . You better check that with your attorney. It is always advisable to renew your EAD when you look at the unpredictable way these offices functions.
indiaeb2 & good_manpvm
I'll send out my application to Newark tomorrow. Do you know the correct address, especially which room number should I send to? Suppose how long to get approve. Any more documents besides the following?
2 photos
Receipt of I485
Cope of old EAD
copy of I94
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I think, you can still send the application to VSC

I think you should send the application to VSC and let them transfer it to Newark. I don't know the address at Newark to send the application to.

indiaeb2's suggestion is good. This way you get a receipt based on which you can apply for interim EAD at newark office personally ,if the regular one doesn't come with in three months.
I've sent my application to Newark today. I've confirmed from my lawyer and address. My lawyer said send to newark and address is 970 broad street. no room number need. So I don't know if he is correct. Do you know what's the reason all of us wait a long time for the interview notice?
good_manpvm, My case is similar as yours. A sponsore my GC and I am working at B. This is for future base GC. I think the interview should be soon. It's helpful I am starting my paycheck from A once the interview notice ask me the paystub. I am keeping the good realationship with A owner. I think Iwill not leave the B company after GC, maybe I need to get paycheck and pay tax at A company. My lawyer said two pay check is ok in terms of A will not inform INS.What's your suggestion?
Hi ehuang,
This posting might sound little negative , but i think it is always better to say things without much sugar coating. INS is bothered about cases like that of yours. My case is little different as i am currently working for company A . So i left company A and later joined them after being with company B for a while , it is not difficult for me to prove my intent to re-join company A.( GC and future employment makes sense here). But in your case you worked for company A and then you joined company B. You might have to give a good reason why you left company A and why you wanna join company A again after getting GC. Your case would have been much simpler if you had never worked for company A ( or the company sponsoring GC). As i mentioned in my earlier posting , technically there is no way INS can reject your case as long as company A is supporting you, but i strongly suggest you to go with an attorney for interview.