Case Transferred to Baltimore - Please Help!!!!


Registered Users (C)
Hi everyone,
  Heard on the AVM yesterday my case has been transferred to Baltimore on May 18th 01. I have not got any written letter from VSC. The details are
I live 1 hr from Baltimore.

PD : 10/99
RD : 10/00
ND : 11/00
EB2 RIR India

Q1. When can I expect an Interview?
Q2. My master\'s is in a different field than my work./ Does that have any bearing on GC approval?
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I believe, you will soon receive your transfer notice from INS.
I got my notice first before my AVM changed...

My application was also transferred to Baltimore last
April 27, 2001 and my ND is 10/12/00 and FP is 12/26/00.

Usually, it takes about 2-3 months before you get
interview appointment. One case here and another friend
of mine were interviewed less than 3 months after being
transferred to Baltimore and got immediate approval
after the interview. But others are still waiting for
approval after already been interviewed. It really depends
on the officer conducting the interview.

No one can say for sure, how long it\'ll take to get
interview appointment. Let\'s just hope for the best.
I fear it may take longer since I\'ve been seeing several
transfers to Baltimore which could mean an increase in
their workload...

You will be required to provide some documents during the
interview and the list will be provided to you along with
your interview appointment later.


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My dates are identical to yours and my case also transferred to Baltimore on 4/27.

Can we talk. Let me have your phone number so that I can call you.
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Hi friend,

Yesterday night I too checked AVM. I got the message "this case cannot be found". My details are ND Nov 00 FP march 01

I like to know whether Vermont service center will transfer the case to the local INS only for the people living in their jurisdiction.

I am living in Oregon. Will VSC will transfer my case to local Ins

Please reply

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We are not really sure. I believe some percentage
of applicants hailing from Maryland are being transferred
to local office maybe to lighten the load at Vermont.

About 6 regular visitors of this site plus myself
who recently got cases transferred to Baltimore, we
all live near Baltimore (as stated in our applications).

More likely, not all cases of applicants coming from
Maryland are going to be transferred to Baltimore. There
are some who were not and just received news that they
got approval in the mail or via the AVM, but most of these
people got RFEs...

Hope this helps.

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My experience with Baltimore INS. came back to this
board out of curiousity. found out many of you having
the feeling I used to have. Fellowing is my whole story.

PD: June 1998, EB2 NIW(CHINA)
ND: Aug 1999
Moved to MD for NJ because of graduation in June 2000.
FD: July 2000, NJ-Newark
Transfer date (from AVM): Oct 18, 2000
Interview date: Jan 18, 2001. ("preliminary processing ..." on notice)
Interview was really simple. It was scheduled at 12:30PM. got
there 1 hour earlier and called in at about 12:45PM. During interview,
first were reviewed some routine questions on 485 application forms.
then were asked for new employment letter. He just took a glimplse at
it and put it to the file. After that, he took our finger prints and
we were told to wait for our stamp in the waiting room. In about
15-20mins, the same officier came to waiting room and gave back our
passport with stamp and told us we would expect our GC in 2 mo to 1 year. Oh,, forget one thing, you need bring our MD driver license.

plastic GC recvd: March 15, 2001.
All information on my kid and my wife cards
were correct. However, the "date of permanet residence since" on
my card was mistakenly put as Jan 18, 2000, exactly one year earlier
than my interview date. So I went back to Baltimore again to ask
for a replacement. I filled up a new I90 form with new photos
and the plastic card and were
told not to pay any fee because it was INS\'s error. After about
one month, I guess it was: April 19, 2001, I received notice from
VSC indicating they have received my application of replacement.

Second GC recvd: May 18, 2001.
 Guess what? Every data information on the new card is exactly
same as the previous one except they put my new photo on it.
The "date of PR since" is not corrected. After several monthes
of waiting, I decided just to keep what I have and not to do
anything more about the card.

Good luck to all of you.
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Thank you, Shunqi Yan!

This helps us a lot. My case was transferred last
April 27. I am hoping though it\'ll not take longer
than 3 months before I get my interview appointment
because of the recent several transfers of cases
to Baltimore.

Thanks again.

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Thank You Shunqi Yan! Hope to get the interview in 3 months. As other people have put the wait seems horrible after 485 stage.
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Thanks Shunqi Yan,
Thanks for returning to this board and sharing your experience with us all ...who are very anxious due to this new trend in transfer cases to local offices esp baltimore.
I am sure info from finished cases will help us all get thru this long wait....
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My ND is 2/00. Application got transferred on 2/13/01, had my interview on 4/19/01. The officer did not give any decision. Have not heard from them yet. Worried, frustrated.
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Mr. Nandit, Are you satisfied with your interview. Did you furnish all the info. which aasked by the officer. In your opinion what could be the reason of not reaching to a decision by the officer. I think you can also give your judgement.
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Reminder for Nandit.

Please pass on your interview experience to other friends, as requested in my previous mail.
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I got an interview notice(I485) from INS newark for June 9th saturday at 9.00am. Did anyone else recieve a saturday interview date. Please let me know .
