case transfered to MILWAUKEE, WI


Registered Users (C)
Both mine and spouse cases transfered to MILWAUKEE, WI on April 25, 03. Under what circumstances case get transferred to local INS. Veterans, please provide your input.

Any idea how long it will take to get the interview notice.

What kind of documents we may need to take for the interview.

Is it certain that all the transfered cases get interivew call.

Your thoughts, analysis, comments are highly appreciated.

I have an interview next week so I prepared myself with these docs. EB2

Recent Emp letter (salary, date of emp, fulltime)
Pay stubs
Bank letter
Tax returns for past 2-3 years
2 photos
Proof of marriage (Certificate, photos, apt/house lease, some joint insurance...etc)
If u have kids take all birth and related docs
Birth Certificate
old H1's and related docs
I140 approval notice

Make copies of all these and keep a set.
Take all orig too.

The letter u get from local ins will specify a detailed list so double check with that in case I missed some here.

hope this helps, good luck. I will post more details based on my int. next week.
Thank you jr4gc.

When was your case transfered to Milwaukee. How long did it take to get interivew letter.

Did INS mention why case was transfered to Local INS.
Did you get RFE before case was transfered. What was that about?

Please share the information. Did your spouse case transferred too.

Good luck with interview.
my center is Detroit.
Got letter approx 3 weeks ago.
Letter ND to interview date ~1 month.
No change in web info or AVM yet.