Case transfer to Local Chicago INS


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My wife's and mine cases were transferred to Local Chicago INS

My case details
RD - 08/2001
ND - 09/2001
FP - 01/2002
Transfer Date - 09/19/2002
LIN - LIN-01-264-xxxxx

Does anybody have any info of typical duration for scheduling of an interview with Immigration officer at Chicago Office from the transfer date.

My case was transferred to local INS office in Chicago from Nebraska on Jul 2001 and I got the final interview letter yesterday. Interview is scheduled for Oct third week. Finger printing done on July 3rd 2002.
Hi GCard2002:

I have few questions ??

Was your case Transferred in 2001 ??
What was your Transfer Date and When
did you get the Interview Notice ??
Did you ever contacted Local INS And did
u take senators or Congressman help ??

I will really appreciate if you can answer my questions.


(***PS: And what is the CONTACT Number for Chicago INS)
Local interview in Chicago

My case was transferred in July 2001. My wife got her first interview notice in March 2002 and when we went there, they realised that I am the main applicant and she is my dependant. So they did not approve her case. Again, we received notice yesterday. This time, both of us received it, Scheduled for interview in third week of October. I gave finger prints on Jul 3rd 2002. I did not take help from any congressman. I just waited patiently. So, my suggestion: Wait for alteast 8 to 9 months before you start worrying. Then wait for another 3 months before you walkin into INS office to do a status check by filling the forms. You should receive some notice anywhere between 9 months to 1 and 1/2 year.
Local interview in Chicago

BTW, INS Chicago has no contact numbers. You need to walkin for anything. I did try once to do a status check by filling the form at their office. The forms are not available on their web site. It is also very important that the current address is updated. It can be done youself by following the procedure. You can see that at
I am also on same boat lets telly our transfer dates

Hi All,

My case is transfer from VSC to local Chicago office in first week of May. I have visited Chicago INS office. It's west of time. They ask me to filled out Inquiry form and told that they will reply in 90 days.

Can we start this thread with updated info. like ND date, transfer date, other's experience etc.