Case transfer to Atlanta


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Do any of you know how long is it taking for a case to be transferred from Vermont to Atlanta INS? Anyone with such kind of experience, please post your experience.
Atlanta local INS is not good in scheduling interview quickly, thier are few people in this forum whose cases were transferred in Sept(waitingforaos) and Oct and have'nt received the interview letter yet.
By the way could you guess why your case would have been transferred to Atlanta ? Anything unusaul ?
My wife's fingerprints were rejected twice. I suppose that could have been the reason for the transfer of her case. I don't know why they transferred my case though, perhaps because her case is dependent on my case, they transferred my case too.
My case got transferred

Our case got transferred on Nov 5th . We received the letter from INS , it says VSC has completed the preliminary processing and ATL will schedule an interview.So far no news, I know two other people got transferred ( waitingforAOS and TheRealCanadian).
Last year some of them got interview letter after 5 months. Let us wait and see.
jkmad, when did you receive the transfer notice in the mail? Did the transfer notice tell you why your case was being transferred?

My lawyer received the letter after one week. It only says that my case is transferred to schdule for an interview. It does not have info why it got transferred.
My case was transferred from Vermont to Atlanta in June, 2002. I haven't heard anything from Atlanta office. I talked to them found that it will take atleast 12 months to get Interview call. Right now they are doing August 2000(ND) cases.

When you call them they say that it takes 12 months as thats how long it takes if the case is filled at the Atlanta local office. Cases which are trasfered, like ours shouldnot take that long. Why don't you try going there personally. They don't tell you how long it takes but do definatelt tell you why the case was trasfered. Infact in my case they even told me that they had recived the trabsfered file in september and they have started looking at it in october
Do let us know what you find out
tst123, can you post your details please, like when was your case transferred, why was it transferred and any other details. After how many days is it advisable to go to the local INS to enquire about the status? Thanks.
Sorry, the previous message was for waitingforaos, but others feel free to post your details too ;-)
Hi All,

My case was transfered to Atlanta in June 2002. The reason they told me that I am staying in Atlanta and my employer is in Vermont. I personally went to Atlanta local office in August and tried to enquire about my case, they told me that they recieved the file but they don't have any further information and it takes atleast 12 months to get the Interview call. They also have a board in the office which tells that they are processing June 2000 (ND) cases and they don't have any information about the cases which are applied after June 2000. It clearly says that 'Please do not stand in the line. We do not have any information about the cases which are filed after June 2000'.
I saw one case(user name cpb ) in archive which was transferred to Atlanta in Aug2001 and he got approved (after interview) in Jan 2002. So the notice may be for the people who filed in Atlanta, I think they may take RD of our application.Hope we will get interview early next year.
TO TST123;

You mentioned that “The reason they told me that I am staying in Atlanta and my employer is in Vermont.” Did you inform VSC your permanent address in Atlanta? Or do VSC system have your address in Atlanta? Have you keep your home address in VSC district?


No, thats not true. The listing on the board is for people who have filled at the local office. I had asked the IIO about it. He told me that the transferred cases have a separate waiting. But yes, all cases transferred to the local office from any service center fall into one box. He was not ready to tell me the waiiting time for the trasfered cases. I would recomm=end for all those who's cases have been trasfered to find some time and visit the local office

VSC has my Atlanta Address. When I talked to Atlanta local office, they said all the cases fall into same category (transfer or new) and they will go by RD or ND.
tst123, so from what you are saying, if my ND with VSC is Dec 2000, Atlanta INS will consider this date, not the date when my case was transferred to them, which is Nov 25, 2002, right? You also mentioned that right now they are processing August 2000(ND) cases. Can everyone post their VSC NDs so that we can estimate some kind of a timeline? Thanks.

that's true. They don't care about transfer date. They only go by ND. Atlanta official time frame is 450 - 516 days from ND.
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I called the Atlanta INS at 404-331-0253 and listened to various options, finally selected option #2 (Adjudications department). There is a recording which says that they are currently processing Adjustment Of Status cases that were filed in December of 1997. This ofcourse contradicts the information posted earlier in this thread that Atlanta INS is processing I-485 cases filed in August 2000. I don't know what to make of this. Anybody?
We can only hope that the recording I heard is old and has not been updated in a few years. Who knows!