Case Status Monitor Application


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I have developed a little application to monitor the status of a very small number of cases (20 only). Mostly because I was bored, but also because I found checking the BCIS case status site often depressing because the status never changes.

What it does is you can enter up to 20 receipt numbers into the main window and the program will look up the case status on the BCIS site. The first time it does this it creates a txt file containing the case status for each case. On subquent checks it compares that status to the one on file and will display an alert if the status has changed. It only does a literal check so for example when the INS became the BCIS it said the status had changed. I have also seen some other false positives as well. When it finds a change it creates a change history file recording the each changed message. For more information you should check the help tab. The only thing that doesn't really work right yet is that it is not managing a dial up connection properly, ie it will connect you to the internet, it just does not hang up the modem, so on dial up it cannot be run in unattended mode. On a LAN it seems to work great. The program allows the user to select a review period of between 3 and 24 hours. The default is 6 hrs.

This is a beta test program only. Please post any comments on its functionality here.
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great idea

I am not in the computer business, so can you pls explain to me, lay person, how to use your program. When I put in my # lin... and click on display or check status I get 339 error. Thank you.
Is that a run time error?

What O/s are you running. I have tested my app in Win 2k and XP, but not earlier versions. If it is a run time error then perhaps you are missing some libraries. I do have a full install version, but since you can only post files < 100k here, I could not distribute that. Why don't you private message me with your email address and I will email you the full installation version. That will most likely solve the problem.
Good application...the help file gets truncated at the end though..some of the blurbs are not completely using windows 2000
Resize The Window

You should be able to resize the window on the help screen. Glad you like it.
Great Job

This application is great!!! Thank you for writing such a nice program.

I have one question...while checking the online status, does it also send all the Lin numbers to you...I am asking this because I saw it start Outlook for a short time and closes.

It Does Not Send Email

Originally I planned to include the capability to send email into the program. Ie it would send a message to your mobile device or home email account if something changed. To do this I would have had to purchase a licence for the code library. Being really cheap, I decided not to do it, but I think I left in the reference to the library, even though it doesn't do anything. This would probably explain why it fires Outlook briefly. I found this myself only this morning when I made another change to my version and took it out.

Here is a version with the Outlook reference removed. Let me know if you still have the problem and I will take a closer look but I think this is the answer.
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Tested and Seems To Work

I just tested the app and it does not fire Outlook any more. I can understand why that may have bothered you.
Run-time error

custer, i downloaded the latest version of your app, and i am afraid i am getting the following run-time error:

Run-time error '339':

Component 'richtx.ocx' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid.

sorry to bother you old chap, but hey, no good deed should go unpunished, eh? :)
I have a full install

If someone could tell me where I could put it on the internet, I would be happy to deploy it. I can't upload a file bigger than 100kb here. The file is 2.9MB and would resolve all of these runtime issues
new error...

custer, i ran your app on another computer, and it ran ok. but... i ran into another problem: i entered my LIN number in the format LIN0211XXXXXX, and pressed the "check status" button. the case status change alert window came up with the message: Error Getting Case Status. i tried it a number of times, with the same result.

please feel free to tell me to take a hike :)
Can you inquire on it manually

Do you have an internet connection on the other computer?

Can you inquire manually?

Are there any strange trailing characters on your receipt numbers/

Try putting a semi colon after the number.

I set it up so if it could not connect after a minute or so it would time out.
error resolved itself...

i tried it on yet another computer, and it worked perfectly. (i actually have 5 in my cube, including an HP 9000 unix machine... stays warm and toasty in winters, especially since the company decided to cut down on the cost of heating this winters!).

all of these are on a LAN, with internet connectivity.

hey, thanks, this is a really cool app!
Custer - error 339

Hi, I private messaged and e-mailed you earlier. I would realy like to check out your program. Can you pls send me the full version? I guess some other poeple are having the same problem.