case reansferred, but not the correct local office.

Re: Re: lgwait, a quick question.

I have not recieved any mail notice yet.
Originally posted by rafify
Originally posted by juliojulio
Is the wording in your transfer notice the same as your on-line message? I am waiting for my transfer notice and curious about what might be in it.


I just read the same note while checking my status online. I reasearched a little and found the following:
1. MSC recievees its mail in Chicago.
2. MSC does processing only. Interviews will be performed at local offices.
3. It appears that with the curernt processing timing, cases received by MSC will see around 6 month wait time.

I hope that would help. Good luck
After I've asked several lawyer/professions, they told me that case transferred to MSC is much better than transferred to local, because MSC processed V visa before and now most V visa have been finished, they have more free people to help local offices to process paper works, thus we should get our interview letter soon.
By the way, since we are the first team got transfered to MSC, let's get together and keep the information updated, not only for ourselves but also for future people like us who won't get lost anymore.
I am also in same boat. My case got transferred to MSC on 10/29/03 and I haven't received noticed yet.

I will keep inform my status..

Thank you!

Originally posted by lgwait
After I've asked several lawyer/professions, they told me that case transferred to MSC is much better than transferred to local, because MSC processed V visa before and now most V visa have been finished, they have more free people to help local offices to process paper works, thus we should get our interview letter soon.
By the way, since we are the first team got transfered to MSC, let's get together and keep the information updated, not only for ourselves but also for future people like us who won't get lost anymore.
My case was also transferred on Nov. 3 from VSC to MSC.

I got the same transfer message yesterday and was so lost. Thanks to jigesh for pointing me to this link. Very surprised to see so many of us are in the same boat. This link really gives me light in the dark. I have not received the transfer notice.

I live in NYC and my case was i245i. Moved once(notified the address change by main) and changed job after 8 months, the FP is 15 months already. Hope my thanksgiving gift can be the 2nd FP notice.

Case status:

Thanks guys for posting your experiences.
the lawyer will received reansfer notice and gave me a copy, I never received one either at home or work, I think they only send one notice to the lawyer.
Merry Christmas, every one!

Do we have anyone heard anything from MSC after the case transferred to MSC? When MSC will start to process the transferred cases?????
My case just got transfered to MSC on 2/18/04. Anybody here got notice for scheduled interview? Please share your info,. Thanks,

RD 4/4/02
ND 4/16/02
FP2 11/19/03