Case pending in BEC but PERM approved


Registered Users (C)
Please post your details if you have a case pending in BEC and you have applied for PERM. We would like to know whether your case is approved/pending/denied. Details about when you applied in which job spec etc....will be very helpful.

Applied RIR 1/11/03,Receieved 45 Day Letter 8/25/05
Applied Perm 8/8/05,Sonsorship email 8/8/05,Status as of 8/26/05 shows "in process"
Applied RIR 1/11/03,Receieved 45 Day Letter 8/25/05
Applied Perm 8/8/05,Sonsorship email 8/8/05,Status as of 8/26/05 shows "in process"
Applied Regular in Oct'03. No Response so far.
Applied PERM on 8/2/05 approved 8/10/05