Case Pending and hubby and I are not filing tax together


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My hubby and I have a case pending. Were not filing taxes together next year. His ex spitefully decide to put him on child support claimind he doesnt take care of the child they have together. We have proof and receipts so were waiting for administration hearing. But not filing taxes together would it be a big issue or a problem? We have a child together too and we live together anyone answer.
My hubby and I have a case pending. Were not filing taxes together next year. His ex spitefully decide to put him on child support claimind he doesnt take care of the child they have together. We have proof and receipts so were waiting for administration hearing. But not filing taxes together would it be a big issue or a problem? We have a child together too and we live together anyone answer.

This is not "spiteful". It is her legal right and is actually the proper thing to do to protect the interests of the child. Be advised that money paid before the issuance of a child support order can be considered a "gift" and not "support" in some states. Your spouse needs a US family law attorney to advise him in child support and custody proceedings.

You need to find a family law forum to post to; you will likely be advised that your attitude (evidenced by your name calling of the ex) is not a good thing for your stepchild.
Hear me out! @ Concerned4us you read to deep into what am asking. What am asking is would it be a problem if we dont file income tax together? Taking care the child is not the main issue. Thanks
Hear me out! @ Concerned4us you read to deep into what am asking. What am asking is would it be a problem if we dont file income tax together? Taking care the child is not the main issue. Thanks

Well.. concerned4us is actually seeing the ex-girlfriend of your husband... :D
You both will be filing - either jointly or married filing seperately where the two individuals are connected via reporting on the form.

Generally, you save money and have other advantages filing jointly. See a tax professional to determine the best manner.

If the problem is you do not want his child support to be based on your income, it won't unless there is a deliberate attempt to understate his income.

Your problem is not an immigration issue but a tax and family law problem.

It is only a problem if you both don't pay your taxes.

I really don't see what your problem is - other than you don't like his ex.

See a CPA and a family law attorney!!!!!
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Your problem is not an immigration issue but a tax and family law problem

There isn't either of these problems here. You can file taxes separately and there is nothing wrong with it. If an IO asks you why, be prepared for an answer. He can't deny you for this.

And, as long as he is not in default of his child support payments (if he has to do so) this is a non-issue for immigration. Good luck..
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Happy New Year to all!
@ Al Southner. You have jokes :-0!
@ Concerned4us. why are you so caught up in weather i like his ex or not? thats not the issue. I love those kids and were both civil adult parents for those kids. Please dont make me a never mind by responding back ok.
@ Thomaspsu. Thanks for you respond. I guess we will have to answer why were filing seperate.
Would you rather an attitude adjustment via a forum or a US family law judge? A word FROM the wise should be sufficient. (Note, consider me to be wise.)