"Case Officers Desk"


Registered Users (C)
We found out recently that our case files were moved to a Case Officer's desk as of Tues Feb 17th.

Does anyone know whether I have due cause to be optimistic that we might find out something in, say, the next 10-14 days or whether the files are now simply under a very big stack of other files on this Case Officers desk?


RD - Jan 31 2002
ND - Feb 15 2002
FP1 - APr 10 2002
FP2 - Jan 31 2004
Based on the old posts, the case may be approved anytime soon. So just wait for the good news.

By the way, how do you know your case moved to the officer's desk?
Local congressman's secretary made the phonecall last week - the case had already been moved a couple of days earlier.
Same kind of reply..

I heard from Local Senator regarding my wife case that they had pulled off her file and Adjudicated on Feb'18 2004. But still the online shows the same old message.

Any body encountered the same or have any idea how long it may take...?

RD: 11/08/2001
I heard in Oct 03 from local congressman's office that my case had been asigned to adjucation officer and he said , wait for 60 days that is till end of DEC 2003 . No news. When I started follow up again then at the end of Jan 2004 again Congressman's office replied that case is with the officer and he said allow him/her another 30 days. No news 30 days over today.
exactly same thing for me, 2nd fingerprints cleared, case will be assigned to an adjudicator for final completion. Please allow 60 days. This is from senator's office 1 week ago
hello ,something is happening, this morning I am unable to read my old online message . It is not found. on tel line also. I will wait for 2/3 days . Then once things are clear I will write . If this is positive response then I am sure Senator and Congressmans' office did pushed my case to some extent.
Originally posted by kash777
hello ,something is happening, this morning I am unable to read my old online message . It is not found. on tel line also. I will wait for 2/3 days . Then once things are clear I will write . If this is positive response then I am sure Senator and Congressmans' office did pushed my case to some extent.


I think that's a good news you will get soon your approval.

Good Luck