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Case numbers...

if you consult the visa bulletin for July 2009 you'll notice that the information provided is crystal clear & very straight-to-the-point. The Asian cut-off for the month of July states that CNs 'BELOW' 30,350 are current. People whose CNs are 30,350 and above that cut-off are NOT CURRENT IN JULY. Someone with a CN of 30,350 or 30,351 is certainly not current. The maximum current CN for that month would be 30,349.

This is crystal clear. :D
In june 28000 was the cut-off number for Europe. And after june it's july and a new visa bulletin is here. And visa bulletin for Europe says CURRENT. What is the meaning of that? Are we at the 28000 still?
This is crystal clear. :D
In june 28000 was the cut-off number for Europe. And after june it's july and a new visa bulletin is here. And visa bulletin for Europe says CURRENT. What is the meaning of that? Are we at the 28000 still?

Current means everyone who is left can apply.
This is crystal clear. :D
In june 28000 was the cut-off number for Europe. And after june it's july and a new visa bulletin is here. And visa bulletin for Europe says CURRENT. What is the meaning of that? Are we at the 28000 still?

Please, I'd like to refer you to the reply I gave to Smalllacrimose's enquiry regarding when an entire region is listed as current. When a visa bulletin lists Europe as being current in July , it means that all European CNs from 28,000 and above [since below 28,000 was the cut-off in June] are definately gonna be scheduled for an interview with effect from July till the end of the fiscal year 2009 which runs out September 30 of the same year. In effect, all European CNs have been allocated visa numbers. In a nut shell this is very positive for all European selectees.
Silk, if you consult the visa bulletin for July 2009 you'll notice that the information provided is crystal clear & very straight-to-the-point. The Asian cut-off for the month of July states that CNs 'BELOW' 30,350 are current. People whose CNs are 30,350 and above that cut-off are NOT CURRENT IN JULY. Someone with a CN of 30,350 or 30,351 is certainly not current. The maximum current CN for that month would be 30,349.
Three African countries, namely Nigeria, Ethiopia & Egypt are listed separately from the rest of Africa 'cos they've got their own cut-offs. These three nations are not included in a scenario whereby CNs below 48,700 are listed as being current in the month of July for Africa. As you stated in your question, CNs below 21,600 are listed as being current in July for Egypt. An Egyptian with a CN of 21,600 or 21,601 would have to wait for the August visa bulletin in order to check if he/she is gonna be current.
Is it clearer to you now ?

100%. Thank you very much indeed for your time and explanation. You are so Kind.