Case number


Registered Users (C)

I got a question and am hoping you can answer:
How do I translate my case number to year, month, etc..?

Thanks for your help,
for example :


LIN = service center
02 = INS fiscal yr
076 = day of the fiscal yr
and I think , the rest is the unique serial numbers for each case.


You mean to say ...
the case numbers for the Dec 2001 will have to have case number like LIN013XXXXX ...?

How come ? I see many LIN02XXXXXXX s in the RUPNET Tracker for RD in Dec 2001 ????

But as you said ....LIN02XXXX is for 2002 filers ???? How come ????

- Jha

BCIS fiscal year starts from October and ends at september next year. So all cases filed on or after october 2001 is in BCIS fiscal year 02. Got that.
Thats right - its the INS fiscal year

For e.g my case RD is 11/27/02, but my case # is

So the fiscal year means the INS fiscal year.

Btw, anyone here can make a wild prediction when I could get my approval ? - June 04 or Nov 04???

Re: Thats right - its the INS fiscal year

Originally posted by MrCoolz
.... Btw, anyone here can make a wild prediction when I could get my approval ? - June 04 or Nov 04???


Neither June 04 nor Nov. 04; if you really want an objective prediction, you should refrain from making it into an either/or question!

Here is something of an INS's own Moore's law: Emp-based I-485 approval times double every two years.

The approval time for filers at end-2001 was 22 months and using the modified Moore's law, you should expect your approval no earlier than in 30 months, or around June '05.;)

Good luck.
The sub heading for " Your Reciept on the web site quoted above (in this thread), says "For most application...... This implies that the reciept numbers may be different from the conventional form.
My EAD renewal had a Lin number as LIN-03-800-08xxx
Reciept date is Aug-05-2003.
What is 800? it is not a Julian day in a fisical year.
Also, 08xxx does not start with 5 but I always saw online status. (information available electronically)

Summary is: BCIS is evolving, it takes time before they have any concrete processing procedures...

Hey Sankrityayan that was some food for thought!
Btw, I can understand your Moore's law - but guess what I am getting it by Nov04 - I know you might be smiling reading this, wondering if this is black magic- but just wait and watch - heheee!

Re: Sakrityayan

Originally posted by MrCoolz
.... you might be smiling reading this, wondering if this is black magic- but just wait and watch - heheee!


Black magic? Sure; did you ask Ms. Cleo about it or something?

It is probably something far more mercantilistic; like.... just planning to trade your good whatever for matrimony with a native sucker.:p What the heck; the ends justify the means, right?

03-800xxx is for E-filed applications.

Originally posted by peace_of_mind
The sub heading for " Your Reciept on the web site quoted above (in this thread), says "For most application...... This implies that the reciept numbers may be different from the conventional form.
My EAD renewal had a Lin number as LIN-03-800-08xxx
Reciept date is Aug-05-2003.
What is 800? it is not a Julian day in a fisical year.
Also, 08xxx does not start with 5 but I always saw online status. (information available electronically)

Summary is: BCIS is evolving, it takes time before they have any concrete processing procedures...