Case assigned to officer


Registered Users (C)

   Here are my details -
        PD: 6/00 (EB2-RIR India)
        RD: 4/23
        ND: 6/20
        FP: 10/30 (Sch. 11/27)
        AVM Message: On Nov 16th... Pending Review...
        Case assigned to officer: Dec 3rd

   I called CSC on Dec 7th and was told by an IIO that my case has
been assigned to an officer on Dec 3rd.

   Can the old timers tell, how long does it normaly take (or it took
in their respective cases) once the case gets assigned to an officer.

   Also one more question, for past couple of weeks, I am checking the
AVM daily in the evening. Do they really keep track of how many times
we check on each case? Does that affect the processing time? May be
not, but anyone on the board can shed some more light?

   I called IIO 3 times so far in last 3 weeks (once a week for last
three weeks). Do think that is too much of a frequency?

No, not really, read on...

Once you have done your FP\'s the process gets set into motion. When they receive all the Agency(FBI, CIA and possibly Consulate if you have applied for a non-immigrant visa abroad less than a year ago) reports that they need, your case becomes adjudication-ready. At that time it gets placed on a shelf based on month of RD. Cases are allotted to adjudication officers by month of RD from the adjudication-ready shelves. That is the reason you are seeing that recent approvals are for April and earlier RD\'s. May and later months\' RD cases will start being adjudicated once there are no more April or earlier RD adjudication-ready cases on the shelf left to be assigned. Of course, age-out cases are exceptions. There could be other exceptions created out of deviation from guidelines. Also, from time to time, INS supervisors revise their processing priorities. Then all bets are off.

The scheduled FP date is only determined to evenly spread the FP workload at the ASC\'s. If it had any bearing on actual processing, they would not let you do FP early. There have been enough instances in the past where cases have been approved even before the scheduled FP date. So, lets lay the theory of "Cases go to the shelf only a week or so before actual scheduled FP date" to rest once and for all. That theory does not wash. Also there is no mention of such a milestone/task in INS I-485 processing guidelines. In my experience, when guidelines are set, most often people deviate from the guidelines by mistake/ignorance not by design.
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Is it possible to know if the case is adjudication ready but not assigned?

Also I got my new visa stamp in Nov 30th 2000 in a third country. My wife got visa stamp in April this year. My AVM says my finger prints were received on Dec 6th. Do you think they will check for my data at that third country?(not a border post). If they check for my wife(chennai) , how long do you think it might take?
I am sorry. I am anxious and so all the questions.
Usually, Consulate check ....

is initiated at time of data entry. Your Biographic info form 325-A is sent to the consulate abroad if you have applied for a non-immigrant visa abroad less than a year ago. Consulates do not keep records past 1 year. Since this check happens at the beginning of the I-485 process it usually is resolved by the time your case acquires all the required FBI reports. Also, they wait for 60 days from date of initiation of consulate check. They will proceed with your case after that period of time if everything else is done. Same is the case with CIA check. I am sure an informed IIO can tell whether your case is adjudication-ready but waiting to be assigned.
No Title

Thanks a lot Dee Rod, for the info. On a lighter note, you should become an immigration lawyer.

Thanks a lot again.
Yeah right! I have a hard enough time keeping my head above water as an IT professional.

I just have enough experience to fool folks into thinking I can do my job:). Just wing it. Play it by ear. Hang out by the water cooler as much as I can. Enjoy an occasional smoke with the Exec VP of IT (Bum, his cigarettes too) and discuss Lakers BBall. Type really fast(with 2 fingers) on discussion board. Amazing how that makes people think you are really focused. If they only knew. :)
Is it RD or ND?

My impression (what I see on this board) is that the INS is doing most of the things based on the WAC #. The WAC # is based on the ND not on the RD. The FP notices are sent in batches according to the WAC # also.
When the FP are taken they still will come back to the INS in the approximate order they are sent (accoding to the WAC #). So, the case will be adjudication-ready based on the WAC # (i.e. the ND) not on the RD. They may put the cases on the shelf based on the RD but only after your ND becomes current.
No, I am pretty sure it is by RD ...

Sure, ND corresponds with the WAC#. But for all other important processing deadlines, RD is used. The adjudication-ready shelves are supposed to be based on the month of RD not ND. By the way, at any point of time they notice that your PD is not current, your case takes its sorry self over to a hold shelf where it remains until the PD becomes current again. That could happen at any stage. But, that is not a problem currently and for the foreseeable future.
I don\'t mean to be a kill joy

But an IIO once told me my case was assigned to an officer,
and then later I found it wasn\'t.

However, that was 3 weeks ago and it seems highly likely
that someone with your RD/ND should have their case assigned
to an officer.

Good luck, but don\'t get your hopes up too high, just in case.

Guys have mentioned that you don\'t get much useful info by talking to IIO

I hope info given to Sangli is correct but I agree with Bongo -

Except for FP quality check, experience of earlier guys has suggested that IIOs don\'t provide any useful info - especially there have been very conflicting reports about \'case assigned\' (in my case, I have talked today also- and they have always said \'not assigned\' - but Bongo\'s case andcases of many approvals/waiters earlier suggest the conflicting info).

And about RD, ND, WAC discussion, all three are related - so it should not make a difference whichever is used for sequencing the cases. However, there is some indication that ND is used - like till sometime ago we did not have any approval for ND > 4/30 which corresponds to RD 4/10 but ND 4/30 looked the criteria out of ND,RD.

BTW, for those trying to talk to IIOs, two times in last week, i tried to check AVM info at 3.10-3.15 p.m. and I could get through very quickly (like 5 minutes or so) - and found that they give option to talk to IIO - so talked to IIO also (as mentioned at the top, it doesn\'t help to talk to them!!).
PD and EB

Dee Rod:

This is a question mostly for you but if the other experts know something they could post their answers also.
At the time when the I-485 becomes adjudication-ready (after the FP) the cases will be put on the shelves
based on the RD. These cases have different EB category (EB1, EB2, EB3 ...) Does it matter at that time, if the case
is EB2 or EB3? In other words, if a case is EB2, does it mean that the its I-485 would be approved before the one which is
EB3 assuming that they have the same I-485 RD? Or the PD of the LC will determine the priority. Most post on this board
express an opinion that when the I-485 is adjudication-ready the EB category does not matter. Is this true?
Thank you very much for all of your response..


   Thank you very much for all your response. It keeps my spirit
high during this waiting time which at these moment seems endless.
Hopefully I will post my approval soon.

EB category and PD are only used to determine whether you are current. Other than that they have no

Everybody is current now and for the foreseeable future.

You can see the release from the Department of State regarding Visa availability on almost all immigration forums. The release comes out approximately the 10th of every month and states Visa availability for the next month. Folks are predicting that everybody will be current for the rest of this fiscal year, until Sept 30, 2002. But who knows.