Case assigned to officer...


Registered Users (C)
Spoke to TSC today who told me that my case has been assigned to an officer and that I should receive a SURPRISE in the mail shortly. Could somebody please tell me how long does this "shortly" really mean. Will I hear something in a few weeks or months? I\'ve already waited for 11 months.

EB3, Other
ND 05/00
FP 07/00
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Do not believe these IIO\'s words. They simply say that. For me they told the same thing and since 6 months after that I have not heard a bit from INS. FYI my ND is Feb 2000 and I have been waiting since 14 months.

Cross your fingers and good luck.
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Really? And I thought I was lucky...damn! So, what exactly were you told and by the way, did you talk to a lady officer with an oriental accent...maybe she likes playing these kindsa mischief on us poor souls.
What is your EB category and country?
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I think its about time that we get the approvals. I was told the same that my application
was assigned to an officer on April 3rd. Lets see how long it takes to get approved.
Guys any Ideas ? I don\'t want to call those guys at INS over and over again.
Anyway my details-
SRC 00138xxx
ND 04/07
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I just spoke with an officer there yesterday who told me that the case once assigned to an officer should take 2 weeks to be approved. So if yours was assigned on April 3rd wait another week before checking back with them. Mine was asssigned on April 10th so I\'ll wait until the end of this month before calling them.
Let me know though if you get your approval soon.
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Nope not yet. I have been checking regularly ... the AVM still says "245- 365 says ..."
But I am hoping for the best. What\'s your status? .. any news ...
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No nothing here as well. Waiting eagerly though.
The AVM currently does and has always said that "case not found" although the officer at TSC said to dis-regard that.
Well, let\'s keep our fingers crossed....
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My case is similar to yours. My SRC is 00-138. ND 4/7/00. I do not know whether an officer is assigned. Please let me know when you get the good news.My ID is waitwait\'
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You should call TSC, talk to an officer, check on the status of your case and verify weather or not your case has been assigned to an officer.
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Approved !!!!
Finally the wait is over. I got my and wife\'s approval letters today.
Will go for passport stamping tomorrow. Details posted in another
discussion subject.
Good luck to you guys too.
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Congrats! I am really glad you got it and also hopeful that I\'ll get mine soon as my case was assigned to an officer a week after yours.
All the best!
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Happy that atleast in your case the IIO\'s words came true!! No luck for me yet ND Febc 16 2000 ...:-(
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Thanks Guys !!!! I am pretty sure your approvals are just around the corner ...