case approved


Registered Users (C)
my cases has been approved.
The following are my details
Case No: LIN020195XXXX
priority date Jun'99
RD Sep'01
ND Oct'01
AD Feb'28 03

I have been a frequent (atleast once a day for past couple of months) visitor for this website and Rupnet and thank them for their efforts. I am thankful to all you folks who gave me company in this ordeal and provided me with lots of info. I could depend more on you guys than my lawyer. I just hope you all will be approved soon and be free birds.
Best Of Luck. -Victor:) :) :)
Congrats Victor!!!

However, your LIN does not coordinate with your RD ND dates. Could you please re-verify your dates. As far as I can remember you were end Sept RD and you also probably had an RFE. Are you under the name Victor in RUPNET under Sept 2001 RD. If yes, then those deatails are correct.

Anyway have fun and enjoy!!!
