Case approved ........ THANK GOD!


New Member
Today I checked AVM and found that my(+ wife\'s) case has been approved.

Following are my details
EB3 Other
RD 9/10/00
ND 9/18/00
FP 10/00 (wife only)
FP 2/01 (Both wife and I)
RFE 2/01 (asking for 3 yrs W2 and last 4 pay stubs)
REF Update 3/10/01
Approval 4/3/01

It took close to 4 years for this process including 1 1/2 for I140.

Ciba, please update your data base I am "Pardesi" on your tracking list.

To all waiters just remain clam as you cann\'t do much but wait. I was very worried in the begining (did not received FP notice for 4 months) but then I stoped (tried) thinking about it.
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NO, W-2\'s are not required (that\'s what I was told). Lately CSC has been asking for it. I think ithas to do with layoffs
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Hi Dukhi,

I almost missed your post, but congratulations on the approval.
Your entry will be updated to reflect this good news shortly.

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Thank you for your efforts. Your data base is a great asset to all CSC waiters. Although it is unfortunate but you feel relatively comfortable when you see others suffering with you. Not every one is fortunate to get approval in 2-3 months. I got it in 6 1/2 months after aplying, but there are many who have been waiting from 1999 and beyond. So I should not complain.

Q) are you waiting for your approval? or you just maintain this data base for fun?

Duki (pardesi)
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My atorney asked for W2 for last year and last 3 paystubs, I have not applied for I-485 yet
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Duki,Ciba got his approval long back.
He is so nice to maintain this list even after his approval.
Good luck.
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Hi Dukhi,

Waiting6 is right. My case was approved in August last year.
I am maintaining the website "for fun" (offentime it is not fun
at all because all of my spare time is spent on the website.) :)

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If you need help maintaining the website, let me know.
I would be more than happy to help.
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Hi Dimpu,

After departure of many previous helpers (msmilo, DewDrop, slowpoke,
etc.), I do need someone to help me out. Could you send me an
e-mail (once my account is restored) so we can discuss in details?
Thanks a lot. I appreciate your help.
