Case approved after interview LA Office


Registered Users (C)
Our case have been approved today after interview wac 02-119-545xx it has been a long sweet ride from CSC to LA office. Case transfered on Sept.28'04 and received a letter on Dec.28'04 for FP and interview on Jan.28 '05 @ 7:30 am, my advice is to bring every documents you have just in case the officer looks for it cause the 2 family before us didn't get there passport stamps one for pending review on their case and one is a missing tax for 2002 and w-2 and no camera phone inside cause my wife has to take her phone back to the car.
Great News

Congratulations, and great news. My i-485 was transferred on Dec 14, 2004 and still waiting for an interview letter. Did you get a lot of questions, or probing questions or the interview was smooth? I will appreciate if you let me know the areas where you were asked for documentation? If possible, please email me at

Questions regarding LA local approvals

Hello Friend,

Could you please share your experience with us like when was labor filed/approved, when was your I140/I485 filed and transferred to local office and when you got your interview letter...My case was transferred to LA Local
office on 4th november and Iam still waiting for interview letter....No clue when my turn will be.....what kind of documents they are verifying at the time interview and what type of questions they are asking..

Thanks in advance for sharing your experinece with victims like me...



QUOTE=lighthouse]Our case have been approved today after interview wac 02-119-545xx it has been a long sweet ride from CSC to LA office. Case transfered on Sept.28'04 and received a letter on Dec.28'04 for FP and interview on Jan.28 '05 @ 7:30 am, my advice is to bring every documents you have just in case the officer looks for it cause the 2 family before us didn't get there passport stamps one for pending review on their case and one is a missing tax for 2002 and w-2 and no camera phone inside cause my wife has to take her phone back to the car.[/QUOTE]
Hello Friend,

Could you please share your experience with us like when was labor filed/approved, when was your I140/I485 filed and transferred to local office and when you got your interview letter...My case was transferred to LA Local
office on 4th november and Iam still waiting for interview letter....
No clue when my turn will be.....what kind of documents they are verifying at the time interview and what type of questions they are asking..

Thanks in advance for sharing your experinece with victims like me...


interview experience

I forgot when this case actually started(just lazy to look all the paperworks)but as I remember it was 1998 when we started the EDD process then after a year(1999) the labor certification and then another year(2000) for I-140 by that time it was already 2001 and on Feb.2002 that's the time we apply for I-485 and EAD and from there on the only thing that we could do is wait and 2004 came that's where our case got transfered from CSC to LA office (Sept.28 2004) after 3 months (Dec.28 2004) we got a letter from LA for interview on Jan.28 2004 and Finger Print on Jan.12 2005.We are scheduled @7:30 am we went there at 5:00 am the door open at 7:00 am make sure you dont have a camera or camera phone or they will not let you in regular is o.k, We are in room 8540 8th floor,we put our appointment letter in a box and they called us a african- american lady interviewed us.She ask primarily about my job (duties and responsibilities,manpower, etc.)and also about my family, I think in every case there are different questions that an officer could throw on you, like mine employment base,they ask me about my father a US citizen and also we didn't bring an attorney in our interview.The officer interviewed me first then my wife and kids so it took about 3 1/2 hours all in all.
This are the documents the officer ask us:
Employment Letter, Employers Tax Return(01,02,03),Employers DE-6 and DE-3
Our Tax Return(01'02'03), W-2's, last 4 paystubs, Birth Certificate of everybody(NSO), Marriage Cert.(NSO),passport pictures, old and new passports, I-94,if you have your 2004 w-2's bring that also, in short bring all the documents that you have organized it accordingly make 2 binders one for original and the other for photocopies, like us we brought everything from utility bills,family pictures,bank account ,certificate of experience, ss card,school ID, it is better to prepare everything rather than to forget a simple document.

officer took 3 1/2 hrs. to interview all the family members or 31/2 hrs. include your 2 hrs. wait until the doors open ?
please clarify ?
3 1/2 hrs. is a long time for interview .

thx .
we have kind of the same experience. we got there 5am.. waited in the cold until the doors opened at 7am. our interview was scheduled at 8:30am. we were interviewed at about 945am. my wife was interviewd first (1.5 hours) then me... they run out of video tape and it's almost noon so they took a break. we were asked to come back at 2pm. my interview took 1.5 hours too. then my 3 kids were interviewed for half an hour. so it's 3.5 hours too. but the thing is we were asked to wait so we basically spent (almost) the entire day at the INS office (LA).

bad news we didn't get stamped. we failed to bring a curren income tax return. so they said they need to review our case. we're still waiting and hoping for the best. it's been tough and frustrating.

anybody had any experience for 2nd interview?
They interviwed you and your wife for about 3 hrs ? what did they asked you ? what kind of questions they are asking ?
please explain, I HAVE INTEVIEW SCHEDULED NEXT WEEK for me and and my wife.

I will greatly appreciate if you can share ur interview experience in detailed.


Hope&Faith said:
we have kind of the same experience. we got there 5am.. waited in the cold until the doors opened at 7am. our interview was scheduled at 8:30am. we were interviewed at about 945am. my wife was interviewd first (1.5 hours) then me... they run out of video tape and it's almost noon so they took a break. we were asked to come back at 2pm. my interview took 1.5 hours too. then my 3 kids were interviewed for half an hour. so it's 3.5 hours too. but the thing is we were asked to wait so we basically spent (almost) the entire day at the INS office (LA).

bad news we didn't get stamped. we failed to bring a curren income tax return. so they said they need to review our case. we're still waiting and hoping for the best. it's been tough and frustrating.

anybody had any experience for 2nd interview?