Case approved after interview @ Detroit INS Office


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Hi everybody This is to share my experience with Local INS office interview with you. Here are the details of my case : Category : EB2 RIR RD : 04/27/2001 EAD : 07/01 FP : 08/01 Transferred to Local INS : 03/02 Interview Date : 06/24/02 I was really worried when I got the notice from INS that my case has been transferred to Local INS office and has to appear for interview. It was then that I joined this forum and read the experiences of other people. That was a little relief. But still I was not sure what will happen. Finally, the D-day arrived. The interview was scheduled for 2:00 pm. To be on the safer side, we (myself and my wife) reached there around 1 O\'Clock. FYI, we didn\'t take the lawyer with us as he mentioned its a pretty straight-forward case. That way we saved USD 300/-. We were called for the interview at 2 and the officer took us to his cubical and asked us to take the oath. Then he asked for our PP, AP and EAD card. He cross-checked all the info and asked for the latest employment letter and confirmed if I am working for same employer. While he was going thru the papers, he also asked me the original I-140 approval which apparently I didn\'t take as it wasn\'t in the list of documents in letter. I told him I don\'t have it and he said its OK. And after that, it was more of a "YES" and "NO" question answer session. We were asked confirm for our DOB, last entry in US, date of marriage and set of standard questions for any conviction or member of an organization. Once done with all YES and NOs, he kept AP and EAD card and stamped our PP and told us - we should be receiving the plastic card in 6-12 months. Overall, it didn\'t take us more than 15 mins. I am so happy that the long wait is finally over. For all those who are waiting, wishing you all the best. G_card
Congragulations G_CARD!

Congrats g_card on your approval.

I had a different experience at Detroit INS. I was interviewd
and was told that the approval will come in MAIL!
So, I guess they have reverted back to approving cases there
immediately. Congrats!