Case Aaaappppprrrroooooovvvveddddd!!!!!


Registered Users (C)
Ok, Guys, I never thought I\'d get it here but here it is:

EB3/RIR - Others
RD: 3/1/2001
ND: 3/16/2001
FP: 3/05/2002
AD: 4/08/2002

AVM message: "This case has been approved on April 8, 2002..."
And before anybody asks, yes this info will be on nairoby shortly.

In the immortal words of Tony Montana: "I have the best lawyer in Miami.
He is such a good lawyer that by tomorrow mornin\', you gonna be workin\'
in Alaska. So dress warm!"
Congratulations Char Chur and please give some more details

also when you receive card after PP stamping.
Your State, TX, SC etc.
And I guess, country is India.