140_takes_4ever said:
TC can never equate cash. You have to pay some price for the convinience of carrying TC's. I have travelled extensively abroad in the past 3 years, and in all that time, never came across a single place that offered that rate.
140, I guess you have your experiences to back you up, but here's my perspective -the last time I was in India (about 5 years ago), the following was the order of the conversion rate (best to worst), at least at a nationalized bank: Check (yes, personal check in USD - although it would take a few days to realize the check after depositing it in my NRI account), followed by TCs, followed by cash.
You pay for the convenience of using TCs in the upfront fee that the issuing institution charges. From a collecting institute's perspective, cash is not king - it costs them more to handle it than an instrument (check, TC) and that reflects in the rate.
Sure, you can probably get a better exchange rate if you trade cash with an 'operator'

, but at least 5 years ago, that amount had to be pretty large (~ 10Gs) to get a rate better then a TC
To put the whole thing in perspective, however, the rate difference is not significant so as to cause hardship unless you're dealing in large sums.
Again, this was 5 years ago. I would however strongly recommend TCs over cash - if you're a AAA member or have elite status with your US bank (works for my bank, at least) for ex, they are issued free of cost and you have the piece of mind of knowing that you are not liable for loosing them, esp on a trip to India.
The past few years, I've been travelling to Europe and never had trouble using an ATM card since I do have a 4 character PIN (I did not know until now that they can be longer!)