Card waiting time after interview at Baltimore


Registered Users (C)

What's the regular waiting time for the green card after being stamped after the interview in Baltimore?


People used to get it in 2 to 3 weeks.
Seems to be now a days its taking longer time.
i finished 4 weeks and still waiting.

ppstamped(10/16) in baltimore.

when was yours???
still waiting after 2 months !!!!

I got my approval on Sep. 12th and had the passport stamped on Sep. 25th at the Baltimore INS office. My wife got her card ordered on October 30 and got it a week later. Mine still has the same old message of "this case has been approved ... " both on the phone and at the INS's online case status service.

I am the primary beneficiary (don't know if that actually has any weight at this point) and we both went for stamping at the same time. Five days ago, I spoke the IIO and she said that the "card production" date was November 13th. But, even today the status hasn't changed to "Cards ordered"!

Don't know why !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's very weird. Thank you for sharing your info.

Could you please tell me which phone number are you using to check whether the card has been ordered?

If the case was transferred to Baltimore for the interview, are you still calling VSC for card status? Baltimore doesn't have such number. And I'm surprised to know that they're updating VSC.

Thank you!
Ah.. my mistake. I realize that you were approved through VSC. Pls ignore my question then.

I'm still using 802-527-4913 to check the status. That and the online status service seem to be in sync. Though the case was transferred to the local INS, I'm pretty sure that VSC is the focal point for all the applications. Also, my case was not transferred for an interview... I got the approval and then went to Baltimore for stamping.

Hope this helps.

-Palaniappan Rajaram
Card After 3 Months from Interview

Dear Friends,

Not to worry, I received my card 3 months after interview.

My Interview was on Middle of August, card received on Middle of
Thanks, vig.

By the way, for those people interviewed at Baltimore, the voicemail message at VSC is not updated. So there's no way to check on the status of the card.
the online status didn't change..

We had our passport stamped at Newark on 11/13/02.

The online status is not yet updated to card ordered.
Online message changed

Both my and my husbands card ordered on dec 2nd, now waiting for the real card in the mail. Is that looks real green?:D