Card ordered message online


Is anybody's GC is through with out any RFE...

I am reading most of the RFE cases

(just tooooo optimistic)

PP Stamped on 03/19/03 in la

Msg changed to " card processing has been completed. BCIS document will be mailed to you..."
how long does it take to change the msg card ordered???...
is any body's msg changed from completed to card ordered in LA or southern california area recently?

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Got wife's green card in the mail today :)

:) :) :) :cool:

It is exactly 5 yrs to the day when I first entered the USA !
hi, tt tt, old chap!

looks like you got your GC all approved. congratulations!

i wonder if you remember we had exchanged some notes a year or so ago about your visit to and return from canada, and we had wondered if that was going to be a problem in any way.

did you ever need to deal with that issue in any way?

have a good one!
Of course I do...

Luckily the Canada entry never turned out to be an issue. I guess I was being too paranoid..I believe that the INS checked to see that during my stay in the USA I always had H1 authorization and so was always working legally..I even had rental car and hotel receipts to prove that I had stayed only for 2-3 days..:)
no problems...finally all that is behind.:) :)

How about you ? Any reason why you continue to grace these boards ? or just force of habit me :)
partly, force of habit, and

partly because i am still waiting for my approval... i confess, though, that i do not frequent these alleyways too much now, but every now and then i do drop in to see what manner of dragons need to be slayed. the way things are going, st. george had nothing on us. how is life treating you, now that the green card has led you to greener pastures?
well atleast I could start planning...

about the future....feeling a bit secure that losing my job will not mean requiring to leave the country ! No green (let alone greener) pastures visible in the Silicon Valley, but now I can hang on hoping for the future.
Best of luck on the approval..hope you get it soon.
I got my passport stamped on Feb 14th,2003 in San Jose. So far the message has not changed. It is still " This case has been approved .....".

Don't know what is going on? :confused:
AD 2/14/2003
PP Stamped on 2/28/3003 at Sacramento

3/5/2003 Message changed to "....processing complete..BCIS document will be mailed..."

Today the message changed to

"On April 16, 2003, after approving your application, we ordered you a new card. Your card will be mailed to you as soon as it is ready."

Only the kid's green card arrived today!!!

We have been waiting for more than 6 months since stamping!

Still "....processing complete..BCIS document will be mailed..." for spouse and me. For the child it is "On April 8, 2003, after approving your application, we ordered you a new card. Your card will be mailed to you as soon as it is ready."

Don't know how long to wait more?
hey tt tt

quick question, u should be able to help I guess, what should I do with an RFE on EAD renewal, my 485 got approved in feb..
am i supposed to reply to them or just let it be

serious reply...

I too have EAD lawyer said that even if they approve it I need to return the cards to the INS.
Personally I think I will just keep the cards..I paid $100 for that !

anyway your case I think just reply back saying that your 485 is approved so you could live without it...politely..I hope they understand the subtle hint ..naah they are just too thick headed and thick skinned.